ni-ju-roku | star dust

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"are you sure your family is okay with this?" i ask noah for the countless time as he stands in my apartment, demanding me to pack my bag. he'd asked me to join his family back in florida since he was on a break and i happen to have a sem break as well.

"emma, i swear if you ask one more time, i'm taking you without anything and you're just going to have to meet my family in my clothes." he warns.

"it's not like i'm not already bringing your hoodie." i reply, shoving a couple of turtlenecks and leggings.

"i was gonna say, florida isn't cold, but then i remember you get cold everywhere you go." he plays around with my scattered clothes, trying to stuff himself in.

"noah, you're gonna tear everything." i cry out loud, as he pushes half his upper body into one of my knitted sweaters.

"yeah, at least i'm not a thief." he retorts, eyeing the hoodie sticking out of my bag.

"shut up noah, you gave it to me," i scoff, packing the last of my clothes into my haversack and zipping it up. "im ready, let's go, get yourself out of that!"

"i'm stuck! help me!" he struggles to get his arm out, stretching the fabric. i help him weasel his way out and he finally returns the out of shape sweater back to me. "oops."

"yeah oops, but you're forgiven because you're bringing me to florida." i narrow my eyes at him and he narrows his eyes back.

"i would keep this up but we're gonna be late." he grab his own haversack and pushes me out of the dorm. chloe had already gone back earlier this morning, so i would have been alone if not for noah.

he holds my hand the entire way throughout the cab ride to the airport, making my heart thump. i was feeling so much for this boy and i didn't know if he was feeling the same. i know i said it didn't bother me and it wasn't a big deal, because it really isn't. but there's just a part of me that's afraid of him leaving.

"what are you thinking about?" he breaks the comfortable silence and i shift my position from his shoulder to look at him.

"you." i tell him honestly, looking him in the eye. he kisses me for a while, before breaking away.

"i love being on your mind." he grins, ruining the moment. i scoff, attempting to move away but he pulls my head back onto his shoulder.

"american air to florida, please proceed for boarding at gate 134." the intercom goes off and we proceed to the gate. a few people stop us along the way for photos, and noah gladly takes the photos.

"i got us business class, i didn't want anyone to disturb us during the 2 hours." he gives me my ticket. i felt really bad that he paid for it, despite my protest. i tried to sneak money into his pocket or in the notes with lunchboxes i pack for him, begging him to keep the money. but everytime i think i succeed, i find the money somewhere else.

we find out seats and he puts our bags into the overhead compartment, telling me how i was too short to reach. noah pulls the middle armrest up and immediately snuggles into my neck. his body warmth was radiating onto me, and my whole body felt like it was on fire.

"we're really so tiny and insignificant in this world, so many of us don't matter when we die." i whisper, looking out of the window as everything gets smaller and smaller. "do you ever think about how everything is made up of space dust, we were all technically once a part of stars."

"the big bang right?" i nod, playing with his fingers again.

"i just find it so fascinating that we were nothing then we were everything and more, but at the same time, still nothing at all. honestly, what are we living for?" noah hums, leaning onto my shoulder.

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