ju-ni | it's definitely a date.

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"hello." paul comes up from behind chloe and hugs her. we're sitting in the coffee house on campus, studying. chloe kisses him and i awkwardly shuffle my papers.

"i'm gonna go, nice seeing you again paul, thankfully not naked this time." i shudder at the memory, grabbing my bag and leaving them alone.

"emma!" someone calls me and i turn around, only to see james jogging towards me. i immediately continue on my way, hoping to lose him but he only catches up, grabbing my arm. i jerk my arm away instinctively.

"hi james." i rub my arm awkwardly, wanting him to leave already.

"why didnt you stop?" a lazy smile rests on his face. he isn't ugly, but he isnt handsome like noah. and he definitely doesnt give off the same vibes as noah.

"because, i don't want to go on a date with you, james." i sigh, pinching my inexistent nosebridge.

"i know you have a boyfriend, but we can still be friends right?" he offers but i instantly feel bad. maybe he isnt that terrible.

"okay, but i have a boyfriend so no funny ideas." i warn him and he nods.

"i'm only going to study so maybe another day." i try one last time but to my disappointment, he said he'll go to the library with me.

"how did you meet noah? how did someone like you get someone like him?"

"uhhh what do you mean?"

"no offense but i know he's a big moviestar, and you're, well, you." that's true though, if not for the job, why would i even know him?

"none taken. i guess i just met him on the street, and he.. spilled coffee on me because he didnt see me?" i try not to sound unsure of myself, but he looks like he believed me. mental note to tell noah what i told james so we don't have any loopholes.

"you're not that bad though, you just don't deserve someone like him." he says and my heart drops a little. im not that bad, but im not good enough huh, that's a nice way of phrasing it. i don't reply, entering the library in relief. i put my stuff down and he takes the seat diagonally opposite me on the 4 people table. i check my phone, finding a message from cierra.

cierra: hey wanna hang out with maia and me? we can come by to pick you after we knock off. around 7pm? we can go to my place, order food and eat and do facemasks and have a sleepover.

emma: sure! i can make some food if you'd liked.

cierra: omg please! i heard your sushis are good;)

emma: did noah tell you that?!

haha okay i'll make them. no dietary requirements right?

cierra: heard it from sterling. and nope! maia tells me to tell you she's excited.

i gotta go, see you later!

emma: see you:)

i stay for another hour before telling james i had plans and running off before he could say anything. i was intending to study the whole night, since i'm pretty sure chloe was going to sleepover at paul's and do the nasty. i send a message to her just in case, telling her i wouldnt be at the dorm.

i get back and make a roll of beef, a roll of tuna, a roll of salmon and a roll of avocado. i also pack the few leftover mochis from when i made them for chloe a day ago. cierra and maia comes 30 minutes late, apologizing for being late because noah, hayden and david wouldnt stop laughing during the last few scenes. i hop into the backseat with the tupperwares of food.

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