ni-ju-san| you're crazy

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liked by saumdays, maiamitchell, cierraramirez and 2,457,297 others @ncentineo: happy 20th birthday to the cutest softest babygirl!!! hope you grow taller this year! this was after i told her i used all her coffee beans but she can't stay mad at m...

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liked by saumdays, maiamitchell, cierraramirez and 2,457,297 others
@ncentineo: happy 20th birthday to the cutest softest babygirl!!! hope you grow taller this year! this was after i told her i used all her coffee beans but she can't stay mad at me!!!1!1!1

username1: this shit is cute
username2: i can't get over the fact THAT HE CALLS HER BABYGIRL
username3: date me daddy
username4: she looks 12. hOW IS SHE 20
cierraramirez: mY FAVOURITE!!!
username5: i love this relationship
username6: i don't understand why he dates her yucks
username7: she should go back to where she came from and leave noah alone
maiamitchell: I WISHED HER FIRST
username8: we love a couple
username9: noah being a smol boyfriend is cute as fuck
username10: tell her to unprivate her instagram
username11: she's met the whole fosters cast:/
username12: who is she
username13: why does noah keep posting her
username14: he goes live with her and posts about her all the damn time INTRODUCE US PROPERLY ALREADY MY DUDE


i throw myself on top of her, easily wrapping my whole body around hers.

"ugggghhhh noahhh." she mumbles, not even bothering to open her eyes.

"wake up, it's your birthday! you're 20!"

"yeah let me sleep in. i'm tired."

"and i'm noah. dude wake up i got your coffee."

"get off me i can't breathe." i get off immediately, afraid that i cut off her air supply. she just turns over, away from me.

"wha-" i huff, pulling the sheets from underneath her and she rolls off the bed with a soft thud.

"noah!" she yells from the floor and i cant help but laugh as she flings herself back on to the bed. "you're horrible."

"yeah yeah, get up, you have an exciting day planned." she groans, dragging herself into the bathroom.

she comes out fresh faced, slumping onto my kitchen island. "i was rushing my assignment you could have let me sleep more." she complains. i pat her head soothingly, pushing the coffee in front of her. the aroma wakes her up and she chugs it down.

"noah! i look hideous in that photo you posted." she shoves her phone in my face. i knew she was gonna have that reaction.

"we don't have that many nice photos! thats not my fault!"

"yeah because you ruin everyone by messing with me!" she counters, a smile on her face. that's true though.

asian; noah centineoWhere stories live. Discover now