nana | avocados and instagram

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"where are you headed?" we were back in the car after we met ben and amanda, who told us i should start posting her on social media and go out in public more, but we were doing well so far.

"i'm going to the grocery store to restock for the dorm. do you want to come with?"

"i love grocery trips! and im sure you need a ride back anyway." i grin, just as All Time Low by Jon Bellion comes on. i belt the lyrics out, and emma joins me, and we're both screaming the lyrics in the car.

"i didnt know you could sing, centineo."

"oh babygirl, there's a lot you don't know about me." i reach my hand into the backseat, searching around for the familiar material. i pull out the bucket hat, throwing it on her head. the thing looks big on her, just like everything else i own, and she pushes it upwards.

"whats this for?" the hat falls back down.

"it's my singing hat. it says babygirl." i tell her the obvious and she throws the hat on me.

"okay, sing then!"

"i would love to, but we're here." we pull up in front of the grocery store she directed me to.

"get in the cart." i grab one of those carts, pushing it right in front of her.

"i haven't gotten into a, i call it a trolley by the way, since i was like 5 years old." she looks around the store, already starting her shopping.

"babygirl, get in or i'll carry you in. lighten up, it'll be fine." i bump her shoulder and she shakes her head, a smile playing on her lips. i pick her up, and throw her over my shoulders, before dropping her into the cart.

"noah just because im short and youre tall doesnt give you the right to just pick me up and throw me over your shoulder like a towel." she deadpans and im immediately worried i offended her.

"lighten up, it's fine." she mocks me and i roll my eyes, giving the cart a shove and making her scream.

"do you and the boys eat raw fish?" she turns to me with salmon and tuna.

"yeah we practically eat everything. are you making food for us again?" she puts both packs of fish into the cart, which is slowing filling up.

"yep, that's fine with you right?" she looks at me, and i quickly reassure her that we love it.

"in fact, i feel like those pigs love you a bit too much." i grab a bunch of chips and junk food.

"so do you cook alot? i mean your dorm's kitchen isnt very big right?"

"it isnt, but i make do. i cant afford my own apartment, and with the scholarship, the dorm is pretty much paid for. i really just need a place to stay, and it's close to school, so anything else is really just a bonus. i cook as much as i can, it reminds me of home you know?" she holds up two types of bread and i randomly choose one.

"have you gone back to visit since you've been here? you said you've been here for 10 months right?"

"nope i haven't, can't really afford a ticket. i'm finishing my second year. i did my first year back in singapore. i don't really have that many people to visit anyway. i just miss the culture and the food. no offense but i don't really enjoy the food here that much."

"i know asians don't like western food as a daily thing. my friend, lana, she's asian american, and she told me she prefer asian food way more."

"i was brought up on rice, not potatoes and bread, so it makes me feel kinda weird without rice. asian food here is pretty expensive too, so i prefer to make my own. plus chloe does pay for the groceries too so i cook for her too. it's probably healthier." she picks out some avocados, studying them intently. i snap a photo of her sitting in the cart with food around her and kshow it to her.

"can i post this on instagram?" i show her the picture and she absentmindedly agrees.

"are your socials on private? or do you not mind people following you?" she mumbles a mmhmm and i know she's not paying attention because she's too busy choosing cucumbers. i grab her phone and she unlocks it for me. i private her accounts, and follow her. she doesn't have many photos, or many tweets. i guess she isnt big on the whole social media thing. i post the photo on my instagram, with the caption "when she cares more about choosing an avocado more than you."

it immediately gets a lot of attention and i put my phone back into my pocket.

"noah, go forward. stop looking at my instagram." i push her forward and give her back her phone, telling her not to accpt any random requests if anyone manages to find her. im sure they will find her sooner or later since i followed her, but i didnt want her to be bothered by them now.

"do you want to get anything? im done." she climbs out of the cart and nearly falls over, but im quick enough to stretch my arm out.

"whew thank you, that could have ended badly." she breathes a sigh of relief, still slightly flustered. we go to checkout, and i offer to pay, knowing she brought extra food because there's no way she and chloe were eating all that.

"no it's okay, noah i'll pay." she hassles me, trying to get the clerk to take her card. the clerk obviously takes mine, saying, "if the gentleman wants to pay, then let him. ah you guys are a cute couple, young love is sweet." we both give each other a look and burst out laughing.

"noah you didnt have to do that, let me pay you back," i refuse, and she grabs my arm, trying to stop me from pushing the cart towards my car. "come on, let me pay at least my share then, you can pay for the food i make for you and the boys but if you pay for everything i'd feel bad."

"i take payment in food. deal?" i hold my hand out for her to shake.

"that's totally not fair noah, and you know that. but if that's your best offer then deal. i'll make you food any time you want." she takes my hand.

i help her carry all the groceries up to her dorm, and chloe throws the door open upon hearing her.

"welcome back my baby! how was- hi noah." she smiles sheepishly when she realises my presence. emma shoots her a glare and she backs off jokingly. emma warns me to take my shoes off and mumbles something about americans walking into houses with shoes.

"so i see you brought my roomie grocery shopping. thanks by the way, the girl can't drive and we were supposed to go tomorrow so i can drive, but she said she'll do it today so i can party tomorrow."

"really? a party on a sunday? and she can't drive? isn't she nearly 20?" 

"eh something about how you need to be 18 and go to an actual driving school in singapore to get your license. unlike here where we can just learn from our parents. and yes, parties everyday my dude."

"stop talking about me and help!" emma yells at chloe, and chloe yells back a yes. i chuckle at the sight of emma dragging the bags across the floor. chloe helps her pack everything into the fridge and im just looking around the dorm. she doesn't really have many pictures of herself and her family or any friends. it just looks like a dorm, not her dorm. she does have a very nice aesthetics of greys, blacks and whites. 

"noah you better not be snooping!" i hear her shout again.

"babygirl your dorm aint big, you don't need to shout." i tease her, flopping on the couch.

"oh my god he calls you baby girl?!" i hear chloe shriek and emma telling her to hush. i stifle my laughter and emma throws a pack of seaweed at me. 

"ladies, i gotta go, go work to do. emma, i'll see you next week, and chloe i guess i'll see you whenever!" 

"bye hot shot!" chloe yells, shoving emma, who sighs and walks towards me.

"see you, noah. thanks for today, text me anytime you need food, unless im in class. drive safe." she tiptoes and give me a quick hug. i was shocked from the affection and chloe sees it.

"she forgot to warn you that she's a total hugger?"


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