ju-nana | instagram live

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i set my phone upright with the front camera facing us.

"are you sure this is a good idea?" i hear emma asks as she packs the rest of the grocery away.

"ben and amanda will be so glad, the fans will be glad, and everyone will be able to witness you trying the epitome of american food for the first time." i say, proud of my idea.

"and embarrass myself for life." she retorts and i stick my tongue out at her.

"im gonna start it soon, you ready?"

"yeah, just one sec." she folds the sleeves of her knitted sweater upwards, for it to roll back down slightly. "do i look okay? oh my god im nervous???"

"just pretend no one is watching. and you always look fine, dont worry. okay, im gonna press it." i press the go live button and wait for a while, seeing the number of viewers increase rapidly. she's cupping her cheeks with her hands and leaning on the table, looking at the screen. i bend down towards the screen too.

"helloooo, we're gonna do a taco bell and random snacks mukbang." i turn my attention from the screen to her. "let's start with the tacobell."

"so i've got the crunchwrap supreme, cheesy gordita crunch and the meximelt." i pass one of them to emma and i unwrap the other.

"i don't even know how you ended up getting this much food when i told you not to but i hope you know you're gonna end up having to finish it." she tells me, unwrapping the crunchwrap.

"i always do anyway." i take a big bite of the gordita crunch as she takes a bite of the crunchwrap. "what do you think?"

"it's good," she nods, holding it out to me for me to take a bite. i take it, and hold out the one in my hand for her to bite too. i eye the screen while chewing, trying to read the comments. she is too.

"i can't see the comments guys, yall need to slow down." i laugh. "hi cierra." we both say at the same time when we see cierra's comment. nearly everyone else is asking who emma is.

cierra says 'emma is so cute, im only here for her.' and i quickly pin the comment, making emma nudge me, her face turning red.

i give her the caramel apple freeze and she takes a sip, grimacing as the ice hits her brain. i take a gulp, grinning at her when the cool liquid goes down my throat. i dont get brain freeze a lot.

"that wasn't a favourite." she shakes her head, putting the drink away.

we continue trying the food, taking turns to eat all the food that i bought. i think i even got some free food from the drive through. emma gets more comfortable, going back to her normal self when she's with me.

"someone says how is noah eating so fast. i know right? he eats like someone is rushing him and there's a countdown. bro no one is stealing your food." she says and i'm unable to respond because of all the food in my mouth. so i say i'm hungry, but it comes out as "mmmhm hmmmsngm."

she makes a disgusted face, telling me to chew before speaking.

"im so full, im literally going to be fat." i complain, resting my body weight against the counter. we're done eating and i was just answering some questions.

"see, this is why you always listen to me." she retorts and my energy spikes, making me reach out and squish her cheeks together, knowing how much she hated them.

"noah stop!" she pushes me away, laughing.

"bye guys!" i say, ending the live abruptly . i grab her face roughly, kissing her.

"you're so god damn cute i can kiss you for days." i say in between. "jump." i tell her and she jumps, wrapping her legs around my waist as i catch her. i put her on the counter so her face is higher up and easier to kiss, urgently running my fingers through her hair and her face.

my heart rate increases and i can't feel anything. but her lips, her fingers in my hair, and the slight tightness in my pants. she tugs at my collar when she needs air and i finally pull away, panting.

"fuck i need a cold shower, that was so fucking hot." my voice is rough and she's blushing so hard.

"do you want to join me?" i wriggle my eyebrows suggestively and she covers her face, hopping off her counter.

"you know im not ready for sex right! if you dont, well now you know!" she shouts as she runs away from me. i laugh to myself, this girl was really something else.


"i watched your live with emma the other day, why wasnt i invited to that?" i bump into cierra on the way into set, which we were filming the finale for.

"because i don't want to share emma with you."  i stick my tongue out at her.

"you know noah, jealousy doesn't look good on you," she jokes, "but i get why you're protective of her." she says. it's true, i don't think i've felt this overprotective towards another person before. she has that childlike innocence that i want to protect. she's the exact type of person that smiles at security guards and greet them, store owners and food sellers all recognise her and try to get to know her because of how kind and smiley she is.

"i'll have you know that we're actually dating now, so-"

"wait what? why didn't she tell me?! im going to text her now!" she's typing frantically on her phone, being dramatic again.

i snicker, "she doesn't want you to freak out like that."

"that's you, not her, she doesn't care." she sneers at me and i sling my arm around her shoulder, much to her annoyance.

"she says 'oops i forgot i have a boyfriend (say it loudly for noah to hear hehe)'." cierra chuckles, reading off the text.

"tell her to watch out." i say simply, imagining the big grin on emma's face reddening face.

"are you guys having sex? EW! i don't want to hear about that, you're basically my brother." she wrinkles her nose in disgust and pushes me away from her.

"no! what the fuck? and even if we were, why would i tell you about it? you're basically my sister." i deadpan.

by the end of the day, everyone knew about me and emma. we'd also began discussing the cast wrap trip to halloween hayride this weekend during our dinner break.

"david's bringing meg so noah should get emma to come as well." hayden suggests, shrugging nonchalantly.

"i'll ask her later, she'll be scared out of her wits. should we not tell her what it is? she probably doesn't know." i laugh. this would be fun. she told me at six flags that she loved horror movies, but she was terrified so she watched them in broad daylight, without sound. how fucking adorable.

"dude you're going to traumatize her when she gets there. i heard they make you get off in the middle last year." david adds, "meg's been to it every year, she loves it." now meg was a different story. the girl was vivacious and brave as heck. she'd probably be the type of person that would take rollercoasters with emma and enjoy it too.

"yucks he just wants her to snuggle up to him." maia cringes, making me roll my eyes at her. she cuddles me every time she sleeps over, thank you.


when i quietly open the door to emma's dorm, i was greeted by the sight of her in one of my hoodies, curled up on floor beside the couch with her laptop still open on the table. the hoodie engulfed her and she looked so small in it, causing a lurch in my chest. i shift her gently, picking her up and putting her onto her bed, slowly stroking her hair. she had a small frown on her face, and she wriggles around to get more comfortable.

"noah?" her voice is raspy as she turns to face me. "sorry i fell asleep. i havent been sleeping well." she closes her eyes again, looking exhausted. "there's food in the microwave for you if you're hungry."

"get some sleep baby, i'm gonna bathe and join you, okay? i'll be back soon." she nods and i kiss her forehead lightly. i shower in her tiny bathroom quickly, knowing she hated when i wore my 'outside' clothes onto her bed, and snuggle into her single sized bed, pulling her close to me.


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