ju-hachi | halloween hayride

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this was not what i was expecting when noah told me about this halloween hayride thing they were going for. it basically came out from a horror movie and it terrified me to the core. why did i let noah convince me to come? i squeeze noah's hand, huddling as close to him as i can as we walked in.

"boo!" someone jumps in front of me. i scream, jumping away so quickly that noah got a scare from my actions, laughing when he realised i got scared by an actor. he fist-bumps the guy in the disguise when the guy recognizes him.

"there they are." he points in a general direction, not realizing i can't see because of the height difference.

"where? i only see armpits." i joke, making him roll his eyes at how lame it was.

"why am i dating someone who makes dad jokes?" he complains as he pulls me towards them.

"shut up, it's not like you make good jokes." i tell him as cierra and maia engulf me in a hug, and david introduces me to his girlfriend, meg.

"so i heard you love rollercoasters! i do too! i would have gone on all the six flags coasters with you since i'm pretty sure noah is a wimp, but i was tied up that day!" i like her from the getgo, noting how easy it was to talk to her.

"he said he went on the coasters with me so i had to come to this with him!" i exclaim. noah hears this and sticks his tongue out at me, slinging his whole arm weight over my shoulder.

we line up, and after a while, we were finally allowed to board the tram-like vehicle. "so what is this exactly?" i ask hayden, who was on my right. i was squished in the middle of him and noah.

"it's like a ride, but they have this whole storyline thing that's horror related, like murder mysteries or just scary stuff." my stomach was churning and i was physically shivering, from the fear and the cold. i was more wrapped up than anyone here, with a long sleeved shirt and a hoodie. apparently they didn't think early october was considered cold.

"are you that scared?" noah places his big hands on mine, rubbing them to generate heat.

"yeah," i breathe out, "this is a bad idea."

"i'll be here, don't worry." i loop our arms and move closer to him.

i know they were just actors, but it didnt stop the creepy feelings from making my hair stand. when we got to the halfway mark, the worker told us to get off. we were literally in the middle of the forest, what the hell is this?! there's no way.

"oh my god, noah, noah, noah." i grab at his forearm as he stands to get off, "i don't think i can do this, oh my god," i take deep breathe, trying to calm myself down.

"you'll be fine, you have us." hayden says assuringly, but it doesn't make my panic die down.

"if you don't scream, they wont chase you." one of the demons say in an insidious voice. oh my god help me what have i gotten myself into? help me help me help me.

i pluck up the courage to get off, not wanting to disappoint noah since he did go on rollercoasters with me and i didn't want to ruin his night. this was probably fun to him and here i was, being a scaredycat. it started off okay, as we all walked in a group following the light paths on the ground. then i kept seeing the dark figures and they kept coming at us to scare us, frightening the daylights out of me. whatever my plan was, it failed. because by the time we got back to the next pickup location, i was crying and laughing at my own paranoia at the same time. this is going to haunt me for days.

"you're really such a scaredy cat!" noah laughs at me after we finish the ride. i couldn't reply him because my teeth were chattering from the cold and i couldn't think straight. somehow it got progressively colder but i was too scared earlier to register it.

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