shi | im starting to think im allergic to love

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"so the girls want to meet you again. hayden wants to meet you, moms too." noah stabs his salad. we're supposed to be on another "date" but i hardly see any paparazzi.

"who's hayden? and who's moms?" he looks bored sitting here with me.

"oh sorry. hayden is this  dude from the show too. and i mean my moms from the show, teri polo and sherri saum? i don't think you know them but they're really nice people and they wanna meet you after cierra ran her loud mouth. sorry." he continues to play around with this food.

"no no no it's fine, i would love to meet them. cierra's really funny, don't say that about her." i give him a smile, trying to get him to smile back.

"yup no, she gets annoying all the time, like her character. she's just happy you're there because you're shorter than her."

"ah, the good ole height. i'm used to it though, i've always been pretty short. actually, i dont think i've ever not been teased about my height. i mean, you're pretty tall, im sure people talk about your height too." i don't think my height ever bothered me, there are some pros to being short too.

"at least people don't think im cute. can you imagine if im short? the girls will have nothing to look up to." he smirks, looking at me smugly.

"well you're cute to me." i squish his cheeks and he swats me away.

"even your hands are so small! look at this!" he grabs my palm and put it against his. "are your parents both short too?" i immediately clam up, clearing my throat the moment noah notices.

"um, yeah, yeah they're slightly taller than me, my brother is just slightly shorter than you." now im the one playing around with my food.

"so, when are you free to pop by set again?" he changes the topic swiftly and i find myself letting out a breath i didnt know i was holding.

"depends on when you want me there. im free on weekends and after school, you know that though." we finish up lunch and the moment we walk out, a bunch of girls approach noah and i help them take some photos with him.

"are you guys dating?" one girl says and i see noah wink at me, stretching out towards me to pull me to him.

"it's a secret." he jokes, looking down at me.

"there goes every girl's dream." the other girl say.

"sorry ladies, we have to get going, i'll see you guys soon okay?" noah tells them, sneaking glances at me. this guy is really a good actor.

"see you, we love you noah!" the girls walk away, gushing amongst themselves and noah pulls me towards his act.

"good act there! i'm sure the fans will get this news." noah lets go of me and jumps into his car without looking at me. i nod uncommittely, pulling out my phone to tell chloe im on my way home.

"this wednesday afternoon is fine with you right? i can pick you up, my call is 4pm." he shrugs and i say that its okay with me.

"i'll see you in 2 days then?" i get out of the car when he pulls up near my dorm. "see you soon, noah. thanks for lunch."

"seeya shorty." he gives me a salute.

"catch you soon giant." i salute back and he drives off. i feel like i can finally breathe when im not in noah's presence.

"GIRL YOURE ON THE NEWS! this hot shot actor boyfriend of yours is more famous than i expected." i open the door to chloe screaming at me.

"huh?" i join her on the couch to see her watching some youtube video about some internet reporter talking about "noah's new girl".

"emma, this is crazy. you're going to be fucking famous. everyone on twitter tweeting noah is trying to find out who you are." she throws her phone at me and i scream trying to catch it. i scroll through her twitter, seeing a bunch of people tweeting at noah. i give her the phone and pull my essay up.

"come on you can't be serious. tell me about the date." she rolls my chair towards her.

i jump onto the coach, lying on her lap. "nothing much. he's a great actor though. im seeing him again in 2 days, with his friends. you know his other actor friends?"

"baby girl im so happy you're at least making friends. in other news, when are you going to make me food again?" she sneaks her request and im immediately out of her hold.

"so you were just talking to me for food? what kind of roommate are you!" she giggles, giving me her softened eyes. we're the same age, but for some reason i'm like the mother of the friendship. she always says it's because asians are more responsible and mature, and i hate to agree.

"we don't have anything much in the fridge, we need to stock up soon. we have avocado and leftover beef from the don i made you the other day. so beef avocado sushi? i don't want to fry anything up." i rummage through our fridge that's nearly empty.

"sure! love your sushi. im so thankful for you that i get to eat homemade japanese food every other day. anyway, tell me about noah. he came over on saturday right? when i was hungover? and talking about that you havent told me how the party went? did you have fun? spill the tea sis." our dorm isnt large, and the kitchen is actually just a kitchenette, so chloe is still on the couch, curled up and looking at me with curious eyes.

"the party was boring. the punch you gave me had like alcohol or something but i felt dizzy, like an out of body experience, you know? i talked to this guy for a while, he left, then i just woke up the next day, at noah's apartment." she screamed, making me cringe. maybe i shouldn't have told her.

"and you're telling me this now? are you kidding me? EMA TAKAHASHI!" she shouts my japanese name and i shudder at the bad pronunciation. "you need to work on that, sorry, it's still bad."

"don't you dare change the topic. so what happened?" she glares at me and i put my hands up in surrender.

"i think he was mad i drank something without knowing what it was, but i don't even remember calling noah. or maybe he was just mad i called him. i called YOU though apparently, because i checked my call history. i guess noah's pretty nice, he's kinda standoffish sometimes but then he's actually really sweet. his friends are too. sometimes he gets mad, i don't know at me or something else, but other than that, he's cool." i season the meat and cut the avocado up while the rice cooks.

"you so totally have a crush on him. how did you even manage to snag someone like him? i mean you're the best and deserve someone nice, but how did you even meet him?" i panicked for a moment and chloe narrowed her eyes at me. "you're not telling me something, you better tell me before i-"

"its fake!" i blurt and she jumps off the couch. it feels nice to tell someone and not pretend all the time. "there was a job listing remember? i got it. it was to be his fake girlfriend. sorry i didnt tell you about this earlier, you can't tell anyone thought, i signed some non-disclosure agreement."

"emma.. you're going to get into trouble. you're so falling in love with him. well? you should have told me earlier. i swear if this boy hurts you, im going to beat his famous ass." she's worried, and i know she is. she never told me, but i sometimes feel like she treats me like a kid when it comes to life experiences like dating.

"how does it feel to have your first boyfriend being a fake one? god it actually makes me mad, why did you go through with it? how can your first dating experience be fake? this is crazy." she's pacing around so i had to chase her away from the kitchenette, considering the small space.

"that's exactly why i'll be fine, i've never fallen in love before and i've met so many people from 3 different countries. i'm starting to think i'm allergic to love."


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