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"Hey Jennie how was your summer" Rose my best friend said while walking towards me and giving me a hug that I soon gave back.

"It was alright except the time Jungkook had to burn the curtain of the hotel almost killing us" I said and she didn't seem surprised.

"I mean it's Jungkook we are talking about remember last year he almost set the lab on fire for mixing two chemicals that where not suppose to be mixed together and it exploded making smoke come out and water was pouring everywhere from the ceiling." Rose said while chuckling.

"How am I even siblings with him" I said and she shrugged it not knowing either.

We start heading towards the front doors of the school. We go to our lockers and see Jisoo and Lisa standing there while talking to each other.

"Jisoo Lisa we missed you" I said while running towards them and hugging them. Lisa immediately hugged me back.

"Ok ok calm down Lisa i can't breathe" I said and she let me and I take a deep breathe and glare at her after.

She looked at me apologetically and I just smiled at her.

I look at jisoo who's waiting for me to give her hug. I walk towards her and hug her.

"I missed you Jisoo" I said and she smiled letting me know she missed me to.

"Let's go to class before Ms. Blanca gets mad" Jisoo said and we all nod walking towards our classroom. Until we stopped and saw my brother and his friend walking towards us.

I pass Jungkook making us hit our shoulders on purpose. I roll my eyes and start walking faster to class with the girls.

I forgot to tell you that nobody knows Jungkook is my brother except my bestfriends. Ever since he got popular and started hanging out with those 6 boys especially JIMIN which was in freshman I told him not tell anybody I'm his sibling since I hate attention and he knows it. Not even his friends know.

My brother is always with his group the oldest is Jin who's nice and the most good looking one in the group. Then yoongi he's quite and looks cold but I know he's nice in the inside. Next is hoseok the happy one in the group he's energetic and really nice. Then is namjoon the leader of the group don't tell anybody but I kinda had a slight crush on him in sophmore year he tutored me and was such a gentle men. and kind but it vanished when my brother told me to get another tutor. Then is Tae he's weird but funny and really good looking as well but Jin is number 1. Then the last one Jimin the player of the group he gets any girl and then dumps them when he's done sleeping around with them the longest relationship he's been in was with the bitch of the school Nancy. They lasted for 3 month until Jimin decided he had enough of her and broke up in front of everyone. She still begs for him and gets mad at any girl who goes near him. That's why I never go near my brother at all.

I was brought back from my thoughts when Jisoo snapped her fingers at my face.

"What where you thinking about" she said.

"Nothing" I said and she just nods.

We enter class when we see her come towards us. As usual we all sit all the way in the back. As she started to teach I was dozing of like I always do until the door was widely opened making me jump. I look to see who entered and see Jimin and the rest of the boys every girl was now squealing except the four of us he look back in the front.

It's weird I've never had classes with Jimin this class is advanced then others.

"Boys your late" the teachers says.

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