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Jimin's POV:

I took a deep breath and fell backwards into the tub filled with water.

 I opened my eyes and looked around the room to see that I was in a hospital

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I opened my eyes and looked around the room to see that I was in a hospital. But what caught my eye was women laying on the couch that was right beside the bed.

I got up but quickly fell to the ground when a pain came from my whole body especially above my heart. I checked under my shirt to see a big bandage above my heart.

"W-What is this?... arghh it hurts." I said, getting up from the floor and slowly walking towards the women who was sleeping peacefully.

When I reached her I put my hand on top of her shoulder and shook her a few times. I was about to yell but she quickly woke breathing heavily. She put her hand over her heart and fell to floor, covering her face with her hair.

"Hey umm don't cry..." I said, feeling a bit uncomfortable since the only girl I knew how to console was Jennie. I couldn't see the women clearly but I knew she was crying quietly probably from the bad dream that she was having.

She looked up and moved her hair out of the way, my eyes widened when I realized who it was.... Jennie. This is probably another one of my dreams.

"J-Jimin? Y-You are awake!! Is this a dream?!" She said in a happy tone as she pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged her back even tighter as I wished this was not just a dream. It hurt me knowing that she's not the real Jennie but just one I made in my dream.

"This is a drea-" I was about to finish what I wanted to say but Jennie cut me off.

"I'm glad your not dead Jimin although I am mad at you for risking your life for me." She said, I looked at her in confusion in which she noticed and started frowning.

"You don't remember right?" She asked, I just nodded not knowing what she was talking about... this is a dream right?

"Jimin you jumped in when Evelyn shot the bullet and instead of me getting hurt you got shot above your heart." She said.

Flashback: Jennie's POV

Evelyn stood right in front of our only exit, pointing the gun at me and smirking as she knew I was scared.

"Evelyn please don't do this." Jimin said, trying to get up from the chair but he couldn't since he was to weak.

"Jimin your mine! How many times do I have to tell you?! She needs to be gone so we could be happy... TOGETHER!" She yelled as she loaded the gun and put her finger on the trigger.

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