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Jennie's POV

"He did what!" Seulgi, Irene and Wendy all said at the same time.

"Yes I don't why he just kissed me....probably to get Jimin jealous" I said getting up from Wendy's bed to pet her dog.

"Maybe" Irene says and everyone nods except Seulgi she looked nervous like she wanted to tell me something so I gave her a curious look in which she noticed so she looked away.

That was... weird.

"What if he likes you?" Wendy says and my eyes widen at the thought of Ren liking me but I shook it off and looked at Wendy like if what she said was just absurd.

"Yea no... I don't think he does he probably just saw Jimin coming and decided to make Jimin jealous since they both are.... enemies I guess" I say while I shrug.

"B-But what if he does like you a-and you know.... asks you out... what would you say?" Seulgi asks making me think.

"I would say give me sometime....ughhh I don't know and I don't want to think about" I quickly say while blushing. I see everyone look at me with a smile especially Seulgi so I look at them weirdly.

"Omg do you like Ren?!" Seulgi asks happily as she gets off the bed and starts walking towards me.

"Noooo! I barely no the guy I mean all I know is that he is a player and an asshole for kissing Evelyn while she was dating Jimin" I say while rolling my eyes.

"I mean you should thank Ren for what he did or else you wouldn't have had Jimin" Seulgi says and I just scoff.

"I should hate Ren... dating Jimin was a mistake and it should've never happened" I say glaring at her in which her face saddens making feel guilty for getting mad at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you" I say quickly hugging Seulgi in which she hugs me back even harder making us fall down on Wendy's beanbag in which we start laughing seconds later all I felt was more weight on me I look up to see Irene and Wendy all on top making me laugh harder.

"Omg lets get off before we kill Seulgi and Jennie" Wendy says quickly getting off of Seulgi then helped Irene get off. I quickly got up to my feet and checked my phone to see missing calls and texts from all my friends and my MOM AND DAD.

I quickly dialed their phone numbers hoping they would pick up. I look over to the girls to see them looking at me with curiosity as to why I was acting weird.

"Hey mom" I say

"Hey sweetie where are you? We came home and we didn't find you and Jungkook home?" She asks and I sigh.

"Oh I'm with my friends I don't know about Jungkook" I say.

"Well can you call him he isn't answering my phone nor your fathers" she says and I groan in annoyance.

"Mom then leave him a message" I say hoping  she agrees because I don't want to talk to Jungkook.

"NO CALL JUNGKOOK NOW!" She yells and a groan.

"Fine I'll tell you if he answers" I say quickly ending the call.

I hesitate on pressing Jungkooks phone number but I had to or else my ass will be beat. I press his number and quickly put it to my ear hoping he wouldn't answer either but I guess good luck wasn't on my side because he immediately answered.

"JENNIE! Omg where are? Are you ok? Tell me where you are so I can pick you up." Jungkook rapidly says making me smile but I quickly frown remembering he lied to me. I was about to say something but he quickly yelled for our friends to come.

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