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Jimin's POV
The weekend has passed real fast and it was now Monday the day of my football game and boy I was really nervous. I couldn't stop feeling nervous and scared until Jennie saw me and assured me it would be fine which calmed me down.

"Go to the boys I need to go to my locker ok?" Jennie said and I nodded but before she left I grabbed her and gave her a kiss in which she returned back. We pulled away I saw her walking away but didn't move from my spot until I saw her turn right. I smiled and started walking towards the boys.

"Guys we got to win this" Jungkook said like he would always say since he loves winning.

"Easier said then done" Jin said and we all nodded.

"C'mon don't be so negative guys Jungkook is right." Hoseok said and went over to Jungkook to pat his back.

"Who are we!" Namjoon yelled and we all smirked while looking at each other.

"WE ARE THE PANTHERS!!!" We all yelled together.

"C'mon let's get our stuff and practice meet you guys outside" Suga said and we all nodded and went different directions. When I made it to my locker I saw Jennie talking to Sehun which made me so jealous so I quickly went over to her and put my hand on her waist she got startled at first but when she saw it was me she just smiled.

"Hey Jimin" sehun said and I just look at him while giving him a fake smile.

"Hey Sehun coach said to get ready we will meet him on the field" I said and he nodded quickly walking to his locker and taking everything he needed. When I no longer saw him I quickly turned around to face Jennie who was just staring at me with a smile.

"Hey beautiful" I said while giving her a little peck on the lips in which she giggled and started blushing.

"Hey" she said grabbing my face with both her hands and caressing it. I close my eyes and lean my head on her hands but open my eyes again when I feel her pull my face towards her leaning her forehead with mine.

"Don't be nervous Jimin I know you'll win" she said and I smiled while nodding but didn't pull away instead I grabbed her chin and slammed her lips with mine. I wrapped my left hand on her waist while my right hand cupped her face making her move closer to me. The kiss was interrupted by a loud cough at the end of the hallway in which we quickly pulled away and looked towards the direction of the sound.

When I saw Ren I quickly glared at him in which he just smirked and chuckled. He started walking towards Jennie so I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Haha what are you scared ima do something to her." He said and I growled which startled Jennie.

"I mean I could if I want to" Ren said looking her up and down which pissed me off so I stepped in front of her and grabbed him from his collar slamming him on a locker hard.

"Look you little peace of shit you dare to touch her and I'll break you" I said and he just chuckled so I slammed him against the lockers but even harder that I heard him wince.

"Jimin calm down" Jennie said in a scarred tone but I didn't listen I wanted to punch him for all the things he's done and so I did.

"JIMIN!!" Jennie yelled in horror when I punched Ren making him bleed from his nose.

I was about to punch him again but Jennie quickly grabbed my hand but I pushed her not knowing how hard I did until Ren pushed me and went towards Jennie. I turned around to see Jennie holding her shoulder in pain with Ren by her side.

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