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Jennie's POV:

I woke up with the biggest headache ever, my head hurt, my arms hurt everything literally hurts so I tried to get up but couldn't before noticing that I was tied down on a chair. I groaned as memories started flashing by from the part where I got a text from Jimin to where I was injected with a needle.

I'm so stupid! I should've listened to the warning.... now look at where I am, I'm in a dark room, surrounded by a light above me and chains right next to me. It literally stunk like rotten meat that has been here for years making me groan in disgust.

My thoughts where cut by the door knob moving indicating someone was trying to enter. It took them a while until they finally got in, since it was a bit dark and my vision was still blurry I couldn't see the figure clearly. The sounds of high heels where getting closer which meant that the person that was tormenting me was a girl.

"Hello Jennie." She said making me widen my eyes as I finally recognized who it was..... Evelyn.

"E-Evelyn w-what? Why are you doing this?" I asked although it was a stupid question and I clearly knew the answer to my own question.

"What do you mean why are you doing this? Are you stupid or haven't you noticed that you took everything from me! Jimin... he loves and so does Ren... my parents all want me to be like you. Everything is about you!" She yelled coming closer and pulling my hair back making me groan as it slightly hurt.

She pulled a knife out her pocket making me widen my eyes.

She pulled a knife out her pocket making me widen my eyes

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She came closer and put it near my neck. She chuckled before she started going down and pressing it on my collarbone. I slightly yelled in pain as she started cutting me until she started seeing blood.

"Y-Your crazy" I said as I felt blood going down my chest. I shut my eyes tightly in pain as she started pressing her hand on the large cut.

"Call me crazy all you want at the end of the day I'm the one that's going to be with Jimin." She said before walking away and purposely dropping the knife far away from me. She closed the door, locking it after.

I tried wiggling around but it wasn't working. Tears started coming down as I tried to understand what I did wrong. I shouldn't be locked up in here. I yelled hoping someone heard me but I didn't even know if we where even on the first floor or the basement.

God please let them find me.

Jimin's POV:

I had to call the person, whoever it is I need to convince them to let Jennie go. I quickly ran out the school making sure no one was following me. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialed the phone number.

"Jimin nice to see that you have called."

"Where is she!?" I yelled.

"Oh baby... don't scream at me like that it gets me really mad and when I get mad I do things that are bad."

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