#5; Dazai Osamu [BSD]

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[Prompt: If I survive this, I deem myself immortal.]

The door hasn't even closed behind you and you were already pressed into a warm, familiar chest. His hands fisted in your shirt dramatically; making you giggle.

"Ah, [y/n]! Don't ever leave me for so long again!" Dazai whined exaggeratedly while squishing you even harder. "Oi, Dazai! Who do you think you are, treating her like that?!" Kunikida immediately rushed to your aid, looming over the brown haired man.

"Huh? [y/n] is my fiancée," he said with his typical deadpan expression. The room grew so quiet so could hear a pin drop.

"HUUUH?!?!" everyone exclaimed in utter shock. You looked up to him with a pout. "Dazai! You promised to tell them before I return!" you scolded but honestly, you weren't really mad as you had a hunch that he'd choose this dramatic way of breaking the news.

Before he could say anything in his defense, Kunikida and Tanizaki were dragging him away, vividly describing to him what they are going to do if he ever mistreats you. Being everyone's sweetheart certainly had its perks.

Naomi on the other hand tended to you. "Is he telling the truth?" You nodded with a light blush and timidly showed her your simple ring. You smiled widely, butterflies storming in your belly. Yes, yes he was. She sighed but smiled at you, happy that her friend found her happiness. "Are you sure you want to deal with someone like him for the rest of your life?" she asked amused as Kunikida smacked Dazai again. "Well, I believe that if I survive this, I'm immortal. It's worth a try," you chuckled while you watched your soon-to-be husband being lectured about how a proper gentleman treats his lady. Oh, if only they knew him as well as you.  

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