Before We Start (UPDATED)

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Some information before we begin

Full Name's

Lance Serrano McClain

Keith Yorak Kogane

Hunk Garrett

Katie "Pidge" Holt (She is transgender in my book—Boy to Girl)

Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane

Secondary Genders

Lance- Alpha

Keith- Omega

Pidge- Beta

Hunk- Beta

Shiro- Alpha



Lance- Human, ???

Keith- Human, Galra

Pidge- Human

Hunk- Human

Shiro- Human

Allura- Altean

Coran- Altean



Lance- 19 turning 20

Keith- 20

Pidge- 16

Hunk- 19

Shiro- 25


Full Blood Galra

Rut's and Heat's are a little more extreme then a human. When it come's Omega's though, they are very rare in the Galra race. Usually a Beta could give birth but the chance of Miscarriage is very high. Rut's and Heat's last from 4 days to a week. (Beta's can NOT go in heat)

Half Blood Galra

Depending on the other race, it's possible for Galra to have A/B/O (Chance is 90% and Galra genes usually rule over the other race). Because of this, it's rare for an Omega offspring. Usually it will be Alpha's and Beta's. Heat's and ruts could be regular or extreme. They last about 6-8 days (so about a week.)

Full Blood Altean

They do NOT follow the A/B/O dynamics. They act like a regular human would (No heat, no rut) so they can get pregnant at anytime.

Half Blood Altean

Depending on the other race (If they have the A/B/O dynamics), it is possible for an an Altean to have A/B/O but the chance is about 5%. If the Half Altean does have A/B/O, it would usually be a Beta or Omega. An Alpha being born is like a 1 in a Million chance. If a Half Altean Omega was born, their offspring will most likely not have A/B/O.


Always born with A/B/O, Human Alpha's get rut's once per year while Omega's get heat's every 2 1/2 to 3 months. They're heats/ruts aren't extreme but they hurt a lot. They will usually get a warning before they start (Pre-Heat/ Pre-Rut). They last for about a week.

For more information, look up A/B/O or omegaverse on Google (this is just how my book works so it may be a little different)


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