PaRt OnE: ChApTeR FoUr

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

ChApTeR FoUr:

Sunday was a busy day. During the day I packed, said goodbye to family ( and of course Elle), and in the night I drove to D.C, to meet up with my team. Then we spent the night in a hotel. And woke up at 7:30 to go to the airport. It was 10:00, when he had passed through security and everything. We were waiting to board the plane now. I took out my phone and saw I had a text message from Elle.

Ellie: Go kick some British BUTT!!! <3 ya.

I smiled, when I read it. And replied a quick thanks. Then I was curious to check my messages on twitter. And when I did, there was a message from Harry.

harry_styles: I was wondering if you maybe wanted to video chat today?

Then I responded,

niaomefoxy04: Can't. I'm going to England.

Then he responded shortly after.

harry_styles: Seriously? When?

niaomefoxy04: Right now. I'm at the airport.

harry_styles: That's great. What part of England are you going to?

niaomefoxy04: London.

harry_styles: Funny, I'm going to be in London for a couple of days. Maybe we should meet up?

niaomefoxy04: sorry, I can't. I'm kind of just going for one thing.

harry_styles: And what might that be, love?

Then, right after I read that, I heard," Gateway 9, is now boarding." I turned off my phone. And boarded the plane. I sat next to one of my team mates named Rebecca. Then I fell asleep, and never woke up.

I woke up, when Rebecca started shaking me. "Look we're here," she said. I looked out the window, and saw Big Ben. London was beautiful. How I wished I lived here. It was already sunset when we arrived. It was about 7:00. I'm guessing. We went to our hotel and slept, without eating dinner.

The next day we were woken at 6:00 to have soccer practice. We all moaned, but knew it would benefit us on the day of the game. We went to a cool stadium field, and practiced till 12:00. Then we got lunch and went back to our rooms. We all slept till, 7:00 and went and got dinner as a whole team.

Tomorrow we would play Britain. I was really nervous. If we lost, we weren't going to the semi finals. A lot of my team members felt the same way. But our coach told us to think positive and to bring all we got to the game.

At around 11:00, I lay in my bed not being able to sleep. I checked my twitter under the covers. There were no new messages. Man, it sucks how i'm in England and I can't even see Harry. This is probably, like the only time i'm coming here.

I drifted off to sleep, thinking about the game and Harry.

I stood there. Watching the stadium fill up, as most of the crowd cheered for Britain. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Then my coach cut me off of my trance. "Lets get out there and warm up,"he said. We all shuffled out of the locker room. My hair was in a tight pony tail and i wore the U.S.A jersey. I passed the ball with three of my team mates and then we did a lot of stretching. After that we practiced dribbling. And I helped out warm up the goalies. After that we stood in a line and then the little kids in McDonald uniforms came out. I didn't really know why they came out or what they were called. After that the announcer said " Lets stand for the United Kingdom national anthem." Then there was a lot of cheering by girls in the audience. Why were they screaming so much? " Oh god, look," said Rebecca next to me. I turned to see what I never thought I would see at a soccer game. One Direction. Holy shit!! I saw Harry, and his beautiful self. I was actually seeing him again. I looked down so he would recognize me. Although I know he never would. I just stared at them. Not believing that they were actually here. Harry's voice was perfect. They sang "God save our gracious queen, long live our noble queen, god save the queen, send her victorious, happy and glorious.  The whole time they sang I couldn't believe they were there. I couldn't believe my wish came true!

After the singing stoped, everyone settled down and the game was going to start. I played left middle. Even though I was right footed, it was my best position. The whistle blew and the game started.  It was pretty tight til the end of the first have when Britain got a break away and scored. At half time our coach yelled at us to get our head in the game and a mark up. And that if we didn't, we could kiss the world cup goodbye. Then we were back out in the field. We played on both sides of the field most of the second half. There were now five minutes left. I could see my coach getting frustrated. I began to get mad, at myself for not trying hard enough. I ran up when one of the British players had the ball, I ran her down and stole the ball. Now was my chance. I dribbled the ball down the field. Then I  quickly faked the defender out and passed it to one of my team mates who was already marked so she passed it back. Then there is when I saw I was being marked by a tall British player. I could never make it threw. Or could I? Should I do it? No! Yes! No! I'm going for it. I quickly chipped the ball up above the players head. And in a matter of seconds, with all the adrenalin i had in me, and thanks to my small body, I slid right under her legs, bouncing back up. I quickly tapped the ball with my feet, now one on one with the goalie. I gave the ball a light tap and with all my power, i swung my leg back and hit the center of the ball with my laces. The ball touched the tip of the goalies fingertips and flew right past her and into the side of the net. GOAL!  The crowd cheered as i ran and slid on my knees and began to fist pump. The announcer echoed" Goooooaaaaaaaall." I ran up to the rest of my team mates and they squeezed me so hard. They lifted me up, cheering. Once they put me down I ran over to our trainers and my coach and hugged them all. After that was done he had to return to the field for penalty kicks. On my way out to the field, everyone cheered, " Foxy, Foxy,Foxy,Foxy,Foxy!" (which was a nick name for my last name 'Fox') They whistled and cheered for me. On the big screen, they were showing the instant replay of me sliding from under the defender and blasting the ball into the net. I was so happy I couldn't believe what I had just done. But there still was things to worry about.

When it was time for penalties, both teams tied. Therefore we would have to go to sudden death, penalty kicks. Thats when my coach told me I deserved to take the kick. I was so scared and nervous, i couldn't think. When Britain took the first shot, they missed. Which meant that if I make it, we go on to the semi finals. But if I missed it would be another round. My heart was beating so fast. I concentrated on the ball. The crowd was cheering "Foxy, Foxy,Foxy,Foxy,Foxy!" Then the ref blew the whitle letting me know to take the shot. I took a deep breath, kept my eye on the target, swung my foot back and blasted the ball with my laces. The goalie dropped to the ground and missed the ball, alowing it to go into the left corner of the net. I dropped to my knees and put my hands together as if I was praying. And in one way, I was. I had prayed so much for this victory. The crowd cheered my name even more. Even some British people. I felt like crying, but was too happy to. My team mates piled on me and so did my trainers and my coach. My coach squeezed me really hard. "You are one crazy player, you know that," he said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess," I said, laughing.  He gave me another hug. Then my team lifted me up and cheered " Foxy,Foxy,Foxy," along with the crowd. We were being filmed on the big screen. That's when I saw him. Harry. He was sitting in  the front row, along with Niall, Zayn, Liam , and Louis. Harry had his hand cupped over his mouth, to make it seem like a megaphone, and cheered. I'm pretty sure he was saying my name. Then he started clapping. He must of seen me looking in his direction, because he waved. I pretended like I didn't see him wave and kept cheering. 

So much for being a nobody.

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