PaRt OnE: ChApTeR EiGhT

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

ChApTeR EiGhT:

I woke to the sound of pounding on our door.  I was the only one to get up and open the door. Coach Brian, was pounding on everyone's door. Then he accidently pounded on a random couples room.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He said. I tried to hold back my laughter. As one person of each room came out into the hall, he said," Team meeting out by the pool. Be there in five." I nodded and went back in to get the girls.

We all shuffled out by the pool. I looked at my phone. It was only 7:30. Once all 18 girls were out by the pool, coach began to speak.

"Okay, girls. Today is your day off. Go out explore London, have fun. But don't go to bed late because i'll be waking you up tomorrow for practice. We need all the practice we can get, before the semi finals. Then if you guys are doing good at practice, we'll talk about another day off. But from next Thursday till the game, no brakes what so ever.  Are clear?" He asked.

We all responded, "Crystal clear," which what coach always wanted us to respond. Why did he have to wake us us so early to tell us we had the day off? Watever. I flumped back into my bed, falling back asleep.

When I woke up it was 11:00. I had gotten 9 hours of sleep. Good enough. I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, and got dressed. By the time I came out of the bathroom, Rebecca was wrapped in a towel, waiting for me to come out so she could shower. I smiled at her sympatheticaly. After I blowed dried my hair, I put it in a tight pony tail. I didn't really like leaving my hair out, since it was curly and always tangled. I took my phone out, while I waited for Rebecca. I saw 1 new text. It was from an unknown number. I must have not opened the message yesterday. I opened it and it said,

"Hey, its me. Harry. I saw you had your number up on twitter for the people you were following to I just texted it."

I had recieved the message at 5:30, which was when we left the stadium. Wait, but if Harry didn't add hiself to my contacts yesterday, when he asked me for my phone, then what did he do? I didn't find anything strange on my phone so I just ignored it, and added him to my contacts. After Rebecca came out, we went to a local breakfast dinner, with Sarah from next door. I stuffed myself with pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. If coach saw what we were eating he would scold us. But who cares? He wasn't here, so screw it.  

After we ate breakfast/lunch, we walked around the streets of London. We went into a bunch of stores, and bought extra clothes, now knowing we would at least, be staying another week. And if we made the finals, we would be here for two weeks. And I didn't pack enough under wear. We walked into Victoria's secret and bought a bunch of underwear, and a couple bras. I also bought 2 knew sports bras. 1 for the semi finals, and if we made it, one for the finals. Then it was around 3:00 so we headed back to the hotel.

When we got back Abbie, wasn't in the room, nor where Sarah's roomies. My phone buzzed all of a sudden. I looked at it and saw it was a text from Harry. I had totally forgot to text him back! The message read:

HARRY: hey, Niaome. When will you be leaving london? If ur not gone yet?

I answered,

Niaome: No, i'm not gone. But if he don't win the semi finals then only until one week from this upcoming Monday. If we do win, than an extra week added to that. :)

HARRY: Really? Does that mean we can hang out again?

Niaome: Maybe. Idk. Today is my only 'for sure' day off. Then my coach says we may, have another day off. But not for sure.

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