PaRt TwO: ChApTeR FoUrTeEn

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

PaRt TwO: ChApTeR FoUrTeEn

Soon enough, one week had passed. I had my bags packed and was almost leaving my house. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs and opened the door. It was Elle.

"Hey, girl," she said tugging two purple suitcases.

"Hey," I said hugging her. I hadn't seen her since graduation, a week ago.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Yup," I said dragging my neon green suitcases out the door.

"Okay, lets go girls," yelled my mom, already in her car. Elle and I, both climbed into the car. We were about to drive off, when I remembered something.

"WAIT!" I yelled, running back inside.

I ran directly upstairs, and to a small silver box. I kept my most important pieces of jewelry in there. I opened it and grabbed a small bracelet, made with a bunch of random beads, with my name on it. It was my lucky bracelet, that I had since 6th grade. I took it everywhere. Except for when I for when I forgot to bring it to England. Anyway, I slipped it onto my thin wrist, along with some additional friendship bracelets, and rubber bands. Then I was about to close the box when I saw it.

The necklace Harry gave to me.

I gently picked it up and examined it. I turned it around and read the name. From: Harry S.

Should I take it? What if Sebastian saw me with it, and asked who Harry was? Then my mom honked. I took that chance, and slipped the necklace into my pocket and ran out of the house.

I sat on my suitcase as Elle dragged me around.

"Your heavy!" She said, struggling to pull me. Everyone laughed.

"NO! Ellie's just weak," said Caroline.

"Am NOT!" Protested Elle. Everyone laughed again. Sebastian walked over and pulled the suitcase, effortlessly.

"That's my boy," I said hugging him. He hugged me back and gently kissed my forehead.

We waited around about and hour, till we were about to board the plane. The plane was supposed to be filled with people on our travel trip. We had bought a travel trip packet, where you were in a big group of people and they provided, flight, resort, and a trips to different places. It sounded really fun.

We suddenly heard a mob of girls screaming. It seemed to be getting closer.

Then some flight attendant came out and began to check our tickets. We boarded the plane, running to our seats. Another good part of this trip, was that we were in first class.

I ended up sitting with Elle,( I know, its weird I didn't sit with Sebastian. But I rather sit with my girls than with his friends). Caroline and Fiona were behind us, and Stella and Claire were in front of us. More and more people filled the plane.

I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and fixed my curly hair. Then I remembered something. I reached into my pocket and took out the necklace. It made me smile. I secured it around my neck. I thought back to the last thing I said to Harry, "May destiny bring us together."

But when? When was I going to see him again? Most likely, not soon.

 I walked back to my seat when suddenly, I froze. I spoke way, to soon.

My Online Relationship with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now