PaRt OnE: ChApTeR FiVe:

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

ChApTeR FiVe:

After the commotion died out, we waited in the locker room, and had a talk with our coach. He told us how if he work together you can achieve victory. And then he gave me a special shout out. And how he didn't even know where I came up with that move about sliding under the player.  I didn't really know myself. But I had a feeling it would turn out good.

We waited about and hour before we started heading towards our tour bus. I walked out hauling my soccer bag, with my sweat suit on. Then I heard someone yell, " Foxy!" I thought it was one of the audience members, so i didn't pay much attention. But then I heard it again. It was a guy. He was getting closer. And closer. I finally turned and looked. It was Harry.  I stopped and let everyone go ahead of me. Harry caught up.

"Hey, you didn't tell me you were coming here to play soccer," He said, hands in his pockets. he look gorgeous.

" Yeah, well you didn't tell me you were coming here to sing," I said playfully punching him in the arm.

He chuckled. "Well you were brilliant."

I bobbed my head back in fourth, with pride. "Your not the only one with a talent, Mr.Styles," I said stepping onto the bus.

"No, looks like i'm not," he said standing in the doorway of the bus. He then reached into his pocket and took out a piece of paper, and gave it to me. I took it and shoved it in my bag.

"Shew, shew, now," I said waving him away. "No fans allowed on the bus, sowy," I said smirking at him.

"He held his hands against the door, and grinned. His dimples were so cute. "Have it your way," he said, stepping away from the doors.

I  smiled at him, with sarcasm written all over my face. I slightly waved and pressed the button that shut the doors. I watched the doors close right in front of Harry, separating us. Forever. Wait, forever? When would I see him again? Oh, boy. I didn't even say a proper goodbye.

The bus started moving and I watched as we began to leave Harry, behind. I took a seat next to Rebecca. And took my ipod out.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You know, you and that one direction guy."

"Oh, nothing. I guess," I said shrugging.

She raised her eyebrows at me. " Oh, really?" She asked. I nodded, smiling. I put on my ear buds on, blocking out all the noise. Rebecca shook her head smiling, layed her head back, and closed her eyes. What was, that all about. Was that flirting? I sure hope it was. I may never see him in person until they tour again. Maybe. I layed my head back. And closed my eyes.

When we got to the hotel it was 5:00. I showered, slipped into some soccer shorts, and a tank top.

"Hello?" Asked Abbie,(one of my other team mates, i was sharing a room with too.)

"What?" I asked.

"We're going out as a team, to celebrate," She said. Rebecca nodded coming out of the bathroom wearing a pair of skinny jeans, wedges, and yellow tank top under a jean vest. It was awkward seeing them in normal clothes. I was so used to seeing them in soccer shorts, jerseys, and cleats. But I defiantly liked seeing this side of them.

"Okay, but I don't really have anything 'nice' to wear," I said, shyly.

"humph, no biggy." Said Abbie. " You can borrow some of my clothes."

My Online Relationship with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now