PaRt TwO: ChApTeR FiFtEeN

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

PaRt TwO: ChApTeR FiFtEeN

I sat in silence, during dinner. Playing with my food, not being able to think straight. Why was I so devastated? Its not like Harry yelled at me. But I knew it was more than that.

"Not feelin too good?" Asked Sebastian.

"Oh, uh. Not really," I replied, holding my stomach.

"Wanna go back to the hotel?" He asked.

" No, it's okay. We should stay," I said.

"But you don't look too good," He said standing up. "Hey guys, me and Nye are going back to the hotel. She's not feeling well." Everyone nodded, and returned to their conversations. Except Elle. She just stared at me. I remembered everything she told me. Then Sebastian tugged my arm, and we left.

We walked through the lobby, in silence. Then we headed towards the villa I shared with Elle, Caroline, and Fiona. Sebastian sat on the couch and turned on the T.V. I walked out into the balcony, and looked out into the resort. There were a bunch of pools and bars. It seemed fun.

I stood up, when something caught my sight. Curly hair, and green eyes. Harry. He was standing near a palm tree on a small path, with Niall and Louis. He had his hands in his pockets, and looked down at the ground. I stared at him, unlike I had done in a while. I missed him. And the fact that I couldn't run up to him and hug him, was killing me.

He lifted his head up and looked around. Then he turned right towards me and looked into my eyes. I bit my lip and looked down. Then I slightly looked up, and saw Zayn and Liam had joined the boys. They began to walk down the path. Harry didn't move. Instead he looked back at the boys then at me and moved his head in the direction they were heading, signaling for me to join them. I didn't know what to do, so I just waved. He smiled, and turned around. Was I suppose to follow him? I ran inside and grabbed my phone. "Hey, I need some fresh air. I'll be back," I said heading for the door.

"Wait, i'll go with you," said Sebastian, getting up.

"No, no. Stay, and watch your football game. I'll be right back," I said.

He nodded, sitting back down and looking back at the screen. I turned, and walked out.

I followed the path that the boys had walked down. Damn. What kind of a girlfriend was I, leaving my boyfriend for some other guy? A horrible one. I couldn't find them. Maybe they went to go eat dinner. I decided to walk out into the beach. I sat on the sand for about half an hour. Then I got up and began to walk back. That's when Harry, ran up to me, panting.

"Niaome!" He yelled. I smiled at him. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd come."

"Oh, well," I began to say.

"Come," he said leading me to a bench. He sat down and patted the spot next to him. I walked over and sat down.

"So, how have you been?" He asked.

"Pretty good. Busy," I said shyly.

"I bet you have. I saw you on a couple shows," he said.

"Oh, yeah. But also with school work."

"So whats your boyfriend's name?" He said changing the subject. My body tensed up.

"Oh, uh.. Sebastian."

"That's nice. So, when did you meet him?"

"At school, a couple months after I got home," I said, shifting in my seat.

"Mmmm. Do you love him?"

"Harry! Why are you asking me these questions?" I asked, as I furrowed my brow.

"Oh, I'm just wondering," he said calmly. " I'm curious to know if he tried harder than me."

"What do you mean, tried harder?" I asked.

"Tried harder, to get you to like him," Said Harry, fixing his hair. "But I guess i'm wrong about one thing. Because you never liked me."

Hearing those words made me shiver. If only he knew, I liked him so much. But I went from feeling sorry, to angry. "Is this why you told me to come?" I asked, a tear sliding down my face. I stood up, to make myself seem taller. He turned towards me, his expression softening. He stood up, towering over me. He looked down into my eyes.

I raised my arm to my neck and pulled hard. I released the object, letting it fall. I shook my head, turning and jogging away.

Harry"s P.O.V

I stood there. Like an idiot. Watching the girl I liked run away.

I looked to the ground, and saw it. The necklace I gave her. I picked it up and read the names on the back. I looked up and she had vanished. Why didn't I run after her? Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Niall. "You okay, lad?" He asked. I shook my head and walked towards our villa.

When we got to the villa I shared with Niall, and Zayn, I hoped into the shower.

I let the boiling hot water, run down my body.

I screwed it up, between me and Niaome. I just felt so mad, that she had a boyfriend. When I clearly, showed her that I liked her. Did she not feel the same way? Or did she just play me? I thought she would at least, care enough about me, to message me, every once and a while. But no. It was me who was messaging her. But she never responded.

I shut the water off, and got dressed. I slipped under the comfy covers. I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. But I couldn't.

What was I suppose to do, to fix things? Tell Niaome, how I felt about her? But it wouldn't make a difference.

Since she already had someone she, "loved".

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