PaRt OnE: ChApTeR TwO

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

ChApTeR TwO:

"Yup, he said, "I love you too" in that sexy british accent," bragged Elle to a bunch of girls in our homeroom. I rolled my eyes.

"Elle, don't lie. He never said "I love you" to you. He was talking to Louis who was next to him," I said lying.. Elle folded her arms and stomped.

"Thats not true!" She protested. The rest of the girls giggled. "He clearly said that to me, b'cuz i'm the love of his life. Not, bugs bunny, Louis," She said, with her head held high.

"Bugs bunny?" I asked.

"Yeah. You know cuz bugs bunny eats carrots and so does he," She said, proud because she came up with a nickname. I shook my head and walked away.

The rest of the day I heard Elle bragging about how we met Harry, and how he said he loved her. When really Elle didn't even talk to him. But I never said that out loud. And i'm sure she was greatful I didn't.

When  I got home i logged on to Twitter. My profile picture was of me and my dog in my pool. For a while I was talking to Elle and some other girls from school but they soon logged off. For some reason I was curious to find Harry Styles' twitter acount. There were a bunch of Harry Syles imposters. But then I found 'harry_styles', and clicked on it. It seemed pretty real so I followed him. After that, I logged off.

It was Friday, thankfully. Which meant I could relax by my pool. But suddenly my phone began to ring.

"Hullo?" I asked.

"Hey, Nye," responded Elle on the other end.

"Oh, hey."

"Can I come ova? I'm bored," she asked.


"kay, be over in 10," she said hanging up. But it felt as if she got here in 2 minutes.

"Watcha doin?" She asked, walking into my backyard.

"Just taking a dip, its really hot."

"Oh," she said taking her converse off and sticking her feet in the water. "Oh my gosh, Harry re-tweeted me! Dream come true," she said staring at her IPhone. I quickly swam over to the edge of the pool and reached for my phone. I opened up the twitter app and checked if Harry had tweeted anything. Nothing. 

"Heyy, what do you mean he re-tweeted you?" I asked, slightly jealous.

"Well, I tweeted, "had so much fun with @niaomefoxy04, at the 1D concert yesterday," and he re-tweeted me and said " You were with that Niaome girl yesterday, right?"," she said proudly. As if she were now friends with Harry. My eyes lit up when she read what Harry replied. He remembers me?

"Wow, so your happy cuz of that?" I asked. When really I too, was happy.

"Umm, Of course!" She beamed. "What should I say? Should i be like," yes I was with her and you said you loved me, remember?" or does that sound desperate?" She asked.

"Umm, just say yes," I suggested. Elle nodded and began to tap her fingers on her screen. I sorta felt jealous that Harry was messaging her, when I did all the work. Then suddenley i heard a "ding," come from my phone. I unlocked it to see, a notification that said, "Twitter: harry_styles has posted on your wall." No way! seriously? OMG! I opened up twitter and read the message. It said, " Hi, Niaome. Do you remember me? I saw you were a follower so i decided to message you." My eyes lit up. I began to reply, " Of course. How could I forget the guy who made my best friends day, by saying,"I love you too." And that's funny how out of thousands of followers you picked to message me. Weird.." Then i clicked on post. A few seconds later there was another ding. "Yeah, I guess that is weird. But anyway, i thought you said you weren't a fan?" I decided to keep this to myself and not tell Elle or she would freak. "Well, I wasn't. But now I sorta am, I guess." I listened to Elle ramble on about how one direction is done touring in the U.S. and how it would be cool if we saw where they lived. But personaly, I think that just showing up at there house would seem stalker-ish. Then I heard the ding i was waiting for. "Aww, what made you change your mind. Was it the brilliant Harry Styles?" He asked. I was about to respond but didn't want to make it seem like I was desperate to answer him. So I waited 2 minutes. Then said, " Umm, of course. Your just sooo ah-mazing."

"Are you listening?" Asked Elle, standing up.

"Yup," I said looking up from my phone.

She rolled her eyes. " Anyway, I wonder when Harry is going to respond," she said sounding worried. "or maybe he's just busy, right?" Haha, yeah right. He's too busy talking to me.

"Elle he's a famous pop singer, i'm sure he has more important things to do than talk to a fan he barely knows," I said breaking it to her. She began to pout.

"Your right," She said, putting her shoes back on. Even if what I said was true, why would he be talking to me? I nodded my head. "So what are you, so interested in?" She asked, looking at me then at my phone. I shrugged my shoulders, smirking, then put my head under water.

"So that's how it's going to be, huh?" She asked, as I came back up for air. She began to reach for my phone.

"NO!" I yelled, pulling my phone away from her.

"Gimme!" She yelled, struggling to take my phone from my hand. " What's the matter? Got a boyfriend your're not telling me about?" I wish.

"Just let go!" I yelled back. She reached over with her free hand and splashed my face, which made me loosen my grip.

"Aha!" She said as she tugged my phone away from me. Then she slightly stumbled backwards and fell over the pool chair, behind her,  falling backwards and letting my phone fly out of her hand.

"NO!" I yelled. But it was too late. My phone had already plopped into the water, sinking down to the bottom. I quickly dove in, trying to rescue it. I finally got ahold of it, swimming back to the surface.

"I am soo, sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear," said Elle, with guilt in her voice.

"Your gonna pay for this, litteraly," I said nodding my head and pressing my lips together.

"But i'm broke."

"Well then your gonna give me your phone," I said smirking, reaching for her phone(which was the exact same as mine, except it had a purple and pink case.)

Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. " I will never do such a thing," She said getting up and running away, towards the front yard. I got out of the pool and chased after her. But she was already on her bike when I reached the front yard. "Later, sucker," She said sticking her toung out. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Oh and sorry for the phone, thing. I'll make it up to you!" She said smiling. "Promise," she yelled holding her pinky up, as she rode away.

"Bitch!" I yelled.

Her mouth dropped open, as if she was ofended, and she stuck her middle finger at me. I couldn't help giggling.But then I turned and saw my elderly neighbor staring at me, as if I was crazy, for saying a bad word. I smiled shyly and walked away.

I looked at my phone, which went dark blue when i tried turning it on.

"Goodbye, Harry," I whispered to myself.

My Online Relationship with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now