PaRt OnE: ChApTeR ThReE

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*.*.*.*.My Online Relationship with Harry Styles.*.*.*.*

ChApTeR ThReE:

I drove one hour, just to get to soccer practice. My soccer season was almost over, therefor I had a one week break to be at home. Which was the only reason I was home. I didn't have any homework, this week. I never do, because I hardly ever go. I practically have my career all planned out. Which was, playing professional soccer. Today I was lucky that we were practicing in the capital. Washington D.C. But I also didn't see my parents alot between the seasons. Which was hard at only 17. So playing for the U.S.A Womens U-17 league, had its good and bad sides. But it was my passion and I was more than happy doing it.

Coach made us run a mile warm-up, dribbling exercises, penalty kicks, practice some corner kick plays and penalty kick plays. It doesn't seem like a lot but it sure was. And I was dying. Other girls on my team were the same age as me, and were also my friends. After a three hour practice, I has really tired.The drive home was killing me too.

When I got home, I showered, and flumpped on my bed. My parents weren't even home. Which is where I don't see what the point of me coming home at all is.

My body was tired, but my mind wasn't.  So i decided to go on my laptop and check twitter. . I had 3 new posts. From HARRY! I had totally forgotten about my conversation with him. They read,

"I do my best not to show off "

"Thats why girls love me"

"Guess you don't want to talk to the, brilliant Harry Potter."

I smiled at the last message. Did he really want to talk to me? I quickly responded, " Yeah, right. My friend Elle dropped my phone in the pool and I had soccer practice. Sorry I couldn't stick around but I have a life, and things to deal with." I'm not sure if that sounded mean, but I sent it anyway. After all it was what I truly thought.

I dozed off to sleep, but was woken up by a ding, that came from my computer. It was 3  in the morning. I turned on my computer and checked twitter. There was a message from Harry. Why is he messageing me so late? Wait.. Oh, time difference. Of course. It said,"Well, babe, just to let you know I have a life too. And you play soccer?" I knew it was late. But I still wanted to answer him. And so I did. " Right, sowwy. I 4got u were the, Harry Styles. And yes  I do," I said. Seconds later, he replied.

"Thats nice. Don't know much girls that play sports." He said.

"Well I do and i'm not exactly a girly girl." I said.

"Thats good. You don't meet a lot of girls like that."

"Yeah, well I need my beauty sleep, like any other girl. After all it is 3 in the morning for me, bye."

"Oh, shit. Sorry. Good morning!" He said.

" Goodbye, Harry." I said, closing my laptop and and turning off my light that had been left on when I first fell asleep. I

I couldn't fall asleep though. Thinking about Harry. Not that I was in love with him. Because I don't even really know him. But because I was actually talking to him. And he was talking to me. Boring me.

It was 11:30 when I woke up. No one was home. Again. I walked downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal. I couldn't wait to get out of here. On Monday I would be flying to London, England. And on Wednesday, I would be playing Great Britian. In battle for the spot in the semi finals for the U-17 world cup. Chills go up my body whenever I think about the game. And when I think of Harry.

Imagine, I'll be in the same country as him! But I will never tell him I play on the team. I want it to seem as if I am a nobody. A simple, boring, girl. Yup.

I logged on twitter. I was going to message him, but figured he's probably going to bed while its 12:00 pm here, in Maryland. So I waited till it was 4:00 to message him. "Hey, wat time is it in England?" I said.

Then I heard a ding, " 9:00 pm, love. Why?" He asked.

"I actually care, and don't want to wake you up. Unlike you!" I said.

"Aww, how sweet. And I am really sorry, about waking you up."

"I was kidding. Anyway, what do you do when your not touring?" I asked.

"I sleep. A lot. Eat. A lot. Spend time with my family. Meet up with some of my mates. And sometimes meet up with the one direction boys and hang out."


"What do you do on your free time, while your not "taking care of things" ?" He asked.

"I play a lot of soccer. And when i'm not playing, I rest." I said, not wanting to lead him onto further questions about my soccer career.

"Sounds fun. So any guys in your life?" He asked.

"No. And I'd like to keep it that way." I said.


"Because, i don't have time, and attention to give, and its a lot of drama." I responded.

"Yeah, that's the same for me. Guess we think alike, yeah?"

"I guess we do," I said.

For the next two hours, we talked about things we liked, hobbies, movies, celebrity crushes, favorite foods, perfect first date, what we like in girls/guys, and what we would name our kids, and what animals we wished we could have as pets. It was really fun. But then it was getting late for him, so we said goodbye. I felt like it was a really good day. Even though all the things we talked about weren't in person. One thing I couldn't understand, though. Why would Harry styles spend 2 and a half hours, talking to me? A nobody. A random girl. A fan. Later that day, Elle called me asking how the hell was Harry one of my followers. I deffinatly, didn't want to tell her about how we talked for hours, because she would be really jealous. So instead I told her I just talked to him about soccer. Which didn't interest her at all, cuz she hates sports. But when it comes to cheering me on, she was there for me. She seemed contempt with my explanation, because she didn't ask anymore.

I went to bed thinking about Harry. And how it would be to actually hang out with him. And if he was the same person, off-line. But I had a feeling in me, that he was. But for some reason, without really knowing the boy, I had a stronger feeling, I was begining to like him.

Harry's P.O.V

After I stoped talking to Niaome  I went to bed, but couldn't fall asleep. I kept thinking about her. Something inside me told me, the day I saw her at the concert, that she was the one. The one for me.

The way she could admit that she wasn't a crazy fan, and how she was cheeky, drived me crazy. I wish I could see her again. In person. And get to spend  time with her. And meet her personaly. Get to see her smile. She was beautiful. From what I remember and her profile picture. Why did we have to live in seperate countries? And in seperate continents, for god sake. I made a personal goal to ask her, if she wanted to skype tomorrow. Then I could see her face. At least through a computer.

My Online Relationship with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now