Meet Up

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I push Jimin that was on top of me and get up. All of BTS members are here standing with a shock face infront of the repaired lif.

My group members also here but I don't care anymore. I just want Jooheon. I hope he didn't get any of misunderstanding.

I quickly ran out of the lif to catch up with Jooheon. Before I walk out from the lif, I meet a pair of eyes.

Those eyes. I don't remember it. Where is it.

I passed him and run. I saw Jooheon running to the stair and I grab his arm.

"Wait!!" My eyes tear up. "Let go of my hand" his eyes change to an angry one. "No,no, this is just misunderstanding. Please believe me Jooheon. I don't do anything with him" tear start to rolling down my cheeks.

"Tch, after all of this, how could you do this to me. If you don't love me,just tell me! Don't be a fucking WHORE" he yanked off his hand.

His freaking strong gestures make me stumble down. I fall down and my tear start rolling down like crazy.

"I'm not a whore. Please, I need you Jooheon. I only love you" I shut my eyes tight and wishing that he will come back to me.

I open my eyes slowly as the light spark at my eyes. There is my members sit around me with a worried face. I rubbed my temple and tried to figure out what was happening.

"Yah, gwenchana? Don't make us worried like that again" Hye In sighed. "Wh-where is Jooheon?" My eyes start to welling up again.

"Yah! Your eyes was already swollen. Please, stop crying for that asshole. He just an asshole that get angry without knowing the whole situation" Yuri said.

"No, he was right. I would also get angry if my boyfriend on top of strangers woman" I smiled weakly. "Hey, if he really care for you, he would visit or check on you" Lena said.

"H-hey, you woke up" a voice interrupts us. We all turn our head to see a shy boy coming. "Ji-Jiminshii, I'm sorry—"

"It my fault, it my fault. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make your relationship get worse" he kneeled down. "What are you doin? Get up. I'm okay. It really not your fault" I widened my eyes.

"Okay" He smiled. "Eun Hye-shii, are you sure that you gonna attend tomorrow concert?" My manager came out of nowhere.

"Yes" I smile. He then nod and sighed.

"I'm going to my room now, rest well and eat okay" Lena said before walking out from my room with Yuri.

"She is the best leader" I speak under my breath. "Yes She is" Hye In smiled.

We just resting to get ready for our tiring day tomorrow.

All of my members go down to eat breakfast. I just following them and get to the special VIP room.

When we get to the room, I saw Jooheon eating. He was taking happily with his members. After that incident, he ignored all my calls and message.

When he saw me, his facial expression change.
I sat infront of him and peeking at him. "I'm sorry, I have to go" He stated. Jooheon get up from his chair and exit the room.

I just sighed and my eyes started to tearing up again. I keep looking down not to let anyone see my crying eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" I.M rubbed my back. I quickly rub my tears. "Yes. Of course!" I fake a smile.

We eat up and drove off to the stadium. We get our rehearsal and our makeup.

Before the concert, I go to the toilet and admiring my face at the mirror. I sighed and take out my phone. I gathered all of my courage to message Jooheon.

Me: You okay without me?
Me: I know that I was wrong but it was just misunderstanding. I didn't do anything with him. The lif just shake out of nowhere and I fall down with him.

Me: I know you not gonna reply this but please tell me that you are okay.

Bæ❤️: When is your concert end?
Me: Finally, you reply me. Please stop ignoring me Jooheon.
Bæ❤️: I'm asking you. When is your concert will end?
Me:Sorry, maybe at 5 p.m.
Bæ❤️: Let meet up at xxxx on 8.
Me: okay.

My face lit up a bit thinking about the meeting up.

"Eun Hye~ come on!! Our performance will start in 2 minutes!!" The staff shouted. "Nae~" I turn off my phone and go to my members.

We sang happily. We jumped and we running like a small kids on the stage. While we are dorking around, my eyes captured a banner that our fans holding.

It was my picture with Jooheon. It our ship banners.

"JooHye~! JooHye~!" The fans shout.

I didn't want this stupid feeling to let me broke down infront of our fans. I keep on myself and pretend didn't saw that banner.

"You guys had do a good job, thanks" we all bowed to the staff and walk to our waiting room.

I open my phone and check on it. There were so many missed calls. Is it from Jooheon?

Too bad. It from my parents. I open the password and call my parents.

"Omma? Why you call me? I had finished my concert" I state. "Uhh, I really don't want to interrupt your tour but it really an important things" she said that make me nervous.

"Wae?" I asked her back. "Can you come home? Please? We have to meet you. I and your father have to discuss some personal things with you" she seem worried.

"Okay, but when?" I ask. "Tomorrow morning"

"Okay, Bye. Love you mom" I smile at the end of the call.

"Who is that?" Yuri ask. "My mom. Unnie, I have to go now. I have to meet someone. Bye." I excuse myself.

"Okay. Bye" she smile.

I wait at the roadside. Waiting for the light to turn green. I put my hand in my pocket due to the coldness.

The light turn to green and people start to walk. I run across the road and go to the cafe.

After I enter the cafe, I saw a heartbreaking sightseeing.

I wish all of this didn't happened.

Hey guys!! Also another long chapter😋

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