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I opened my eyes as I stretched myself. I could feel my body stiff a bit.

I looked carefully and admired the room. Yeah, it really not a dream. I really had a sex with Jungkook. I thought.

I look under the bedsheets and found that I'm naked. My face flushed red like a tomato and my head started to think weird things.

What if Jungkook saw my body.

What if he enjoyed the views.

Oh my god.

I'm not working out these days.

Look at my fat.

Look at my fat stomach.

Oh god.

I'm afraid to see him later.

I cry playfully thinking about those thoughts. I decided to wash up first and go downstairs after that.

I look at myself in the mirror and found a thousand of marks on my neck. I caressed them slowly as they were a precious creatures.

My cheeks became pinky after I remembered the incident. I washed up myself and wear some comfy outfits.

I let down my hair and go downstairs. I could see Jungkook struggling making breakfast for the two of us. I smiled while looking at him.

"Let me do it, this is not your job" I said before grabbing the spatula from his hand.

"Hey,baby. Did you sleep well?" He said before wrapping his hand on my waist. "Yeah,thanks to you" I said and turning to him. I froze when I realised that our faces are just inches.

"You are welcome" Jungkook said smirking and peck my lips. I blushed so hard that I turned around to continued my works.

"Honey, are the potatoes always became like this?" Jungkook asked me.

I turned around just to look at him holding a plate full with sweet potato that he cooked earlier stucked on the plate.

I laughed at his movement and he smile too.

"Stop it! You make me hurt my stomach" I said while wiping my laugh tears.

I turned back to my cooking dishes as I started to think what I should make for breakfast. "Let me tie my hair first" I said to myself.

I tie my hair to a ponytail revealing my neck.

I can feel an arm snake around my waist as he smooch my neck. "I love my arts" Jungkook said while continued to smooching my necks.

"It tickles" I said pushing him away. He pouted then I pinch his cheeks. "I love you" i said before turning again to cooks.

I could tell that Jungkook blushed really hard right now because he is not moving and making any noise. I chuckled to myself as I hummed in joyness.


"Thanks for the food, my angel" Jungkook said before eating hungrily the breakfast I just cooked for him. I put my face on my palms as I stared at him.

"Don't I need some explanation?" I said looking at him. "Wh-What explanations?" Jungkook stuttered.

"About yesterday,of course" I said with a 'duh' tone.

"Oh yeah,right!" He said while rubbing his nape.

"Baby.." he hold my hands and caressed it smoothly.

"I really don't do anything with your sister. I just visited the storage room because Siwoo told me to get him some equipment and I accidentally met Eunha. We talked for a while and she asked me for help. I accidentally step on the broke things and I fell down with her. That when you came suddenly. You know what, I really worried about you after you ran just like that. I keep searching for you but you were no where. If I don't arrived at the club on the time, that jerk really can rape you" His eyes soften after explain the whole things to me.

I can see the honest expression on his face and eyes. He can't lie after all.

"You know what, I forgive you this time" I smile at him when hi eyes widened. "I really love you EUNHYE!!!" He said.

"Relax,bruh" I chuckled.


Yeah, not so much cringey things happened here😪❤️😂 stay tuned for next updates🌚

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