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Eun Hye POV

I wake up due to sun brightness that hit my eyes. My eyes fluttered open and greet by empty room.

"Where could he be" I asked myself.

I shrugged those thoughts off and go straight to the bathroom room. I saw an unfamiliar paper bag with a cute little heart note on it.

I pulled off the note and read it carefully as my cheeks flushed a pink colours.

from; husband

hey, I got you some dress. Make sure to wear it and my driver already wait for you at the lobby. It is our special night ;)

see you there baby :)


I quickly pulled out the dress that my husband mentioned in the note earlier. It more than beautiful. I can't believe that he got really good taste in dress.

I took a quick shower and spray my body with a vanilla mixed with red velvet scent. I wear the dress as I let go off my hair.

I put some of light makeup to match the dress colour.

and lastly before I exit the room, I put my wedding ring and smile at it.


"Here we are ma'am" the driver smiled as he get off and helped with the dress.

I bowed at him for the last time before stared at the entrance that full with beautiful fairy light.

"I'm sure that i would fall in love for him more" I shook my head as I smiled shyly.

I stepped my foot and started to walk toward the entrance.

The entrance full with a picture. I tried to enjoyed the moment with examined the picture carefully.

"t-this boy" I stuttered.

My tears started to dropped as I stared at our picture that hunged along the entrance.

All of the memories just flew on my mind as my tears rolled down roughly.

as my feet walked along the entrance, I arrived infront of my precious things ever.

"j-jungkook ah" my tears rolled down again after I saw him standing infront of me.

"You're that boy" I smile. "Yeah, my chika" he hold both of my hands.

A bright light started to spark around us. I turned around and saw paparazzi everywhere.

I widened my eyes and hide beside Jungkook. "Yah! What are you doing? Hide!! There's too many paparazzi!!" I pulled his arms.

I widened my eyes when he suddenly pulled my arms beside him and put his hand at my waist.

"Let's make it official, let the whole world knows" Jungkook said before stomped his lips on mine and passionately kiss me.

The kiss full of happy feelings and soft touch. That's how I end up, married with my first love.

the end

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