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I enter Eun Gi house and plopped myself on the couch. I relieved a long sigh as my eyes roaming around the house.

"What would I make for Eun Gi" I thought. I washed up myself and cook some dinner for Eun Gi and mine.

I thought for a long time and finally decided to make some extra food to send it to Jungkook. I packed it neatly before drove off to my house.


I stared at mine and Jungkook house debating whether to go out or not.

I get out from my car and go straight to the door. I placed the packing food infront of the door and pressed the bell.

I ran to the side of the house hiding from him.

"Who is that?" A door sound.

"What is this?" Jungkook said and closed his door back.

I relieves a sighed and drove back to Eun Gi house.


I opened the door and rubbed my sore neck. I groaned in pain as I closed the door behind me.

"Let's eat, where had you been?" Eun Gi greeted me with a hug. "Go first,I have to washed up first" I smiled and broke the hug.

I go upstairs and opened my room door. My lips curled up a bit as my eyes roamed around the room.

Everything looked like it used to be. The room I used to stayed when I'm in high school. I stayed with Eun Gi when I was in high school and moved with my parents after I turned 20.

All the furniture is at its original place. I shook my head and go inside my room and took a quick shower.


After done eating with Eun Gi oppa, I decided to stayed in my room. I examined my room and make a mess all over the room.

"Where is the letter, I forgot where I put it last time" I groaned while keep searching for the letter.

I opened my draws and picked up a bunch of books,letter and paper. I just throwed away the books and the paper I didn't want.

Lastly, a letter fell down from inside a book. I realised it and picked up the letter. My lips curled up a bit when i saw the letter I searched for.

I opened the letter and read the details of the letter. It just amazing. It sentence and pickup line. It really makes my heart melt after reading the letter.


I caressed my bare skin as I waited for my others member to arrived. Today is our practice day of our performance for an award show this Friday. We only have 3 days left before the show.

Right now,I'm wearing a sleeveless top as I'm going to practice and unfortunately forget my hoodie at my house. So, here I am. My body freezing due to coldness.

I already called Yesung to send it to me as he is going out with Eun Gi.

I waited and waited when suddenly I saw Yesung running towards me while holding my hoodie. I smiled at him.

"Oppa!" I screamed and he greeted me with a warmth embrace. "Thanks and I miss you, oppa" I said and broke the hug.

"Here is your hoodie,my princess" Yesung said and give it to me.

"Lets go in first, I will buy you a coffee" I intertwined our hands and turned back.

"J-Jungkook?" I widened my eyes as I saw him looking desperately at me.

"Oh, hey" he forced a smile and hid his jacket behind his back as he is grabbing his jacket like he wanted to gave it to me earlier.

"I will go first" he said and quickly dissapeared from my sight.


"Is it him?" Yesung asked me. "Yeah" I sighed.

"You must be in love with him so hard, right?" He chuckled. "How did you k-know?" I stuttered. "I can see it by looking at your eyes when you are staring at him" he smirked.

"Oppa~" i playfully slapped his hand.

"Can I sit here" a voice interrupts us. "Yeah,sure." Yesung said without hesitant.

"So, Eun Hye? Why are you not going to practice? It not like I will eat your ass" Jungkook smirked. "What the hell are you talking about?" I lifted an eyebrows.

"So,when will we getting our first ever child?" He said it again. "Can't you just stop it?! You disgust out of me" I said with a high pitches tone.

"Aww, my wife is mad" he said and pinched my cheeks. "Hajimaaaa~!!" I slapped his hand away.

My cheeks burned up and my face reddened like a tomato. I caressed my cheeks and felt the heat going up.

"Woah, woah. Let's stop. Eun Hye, I will go first, hwaiting! Do the best for the performance. I will looking forward to it. Love you. Bye honey" Yesung said and hugged me before he actually go.

I smiled at him and turned to face Jungkook after Yesung is gone.

"What have gotten into you Mr.Jeon!!??" I looked at him. "Can't I do that? You are my wife after all" he shrugged.

"No!! Especially in public!" I said at him. "By the way, who is that guy?" Jungkook face became serious all of sudden.

"Like you care! Just go and mind your Haeun" I said and within a second I ran to the practice room.

I'm back with my freaking long chapter guys😂 It will be so much chapter left before this story will end. Please look forward to it. More surprise coming soon.❤️

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