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I realised that I had been dreaming for an hour now. I quickly shrugged those thought off and rubbed my face. "I should go to sleep now" I said before plopped myself into my cozy bed.

My eyelids became heavy and within a minutes, I drifted into sleep.

"Chika? Is that you??"

The girl with her long hair run across the road. It seems like she doesn't want to meet me. I ran to catch up with her when suddenly a sight make my heart shatter into pieces.


A car hit her perfect body and she is flying in the air now. Her hair smoothly covered her face after landing. I ran to her and cupped her face. Her head started to bleed and blood threatening to streaming down her face.

"Don't leave me. You are my life" my eyes start to dwell.

She tried to speak something breathlessly. I tuck her hair behind her ear. Then, a sudden face appeared.

It turn out to be Eun Hye face.

"What The Fuck!!!" I screamed. I realised that it just a dreams. I sighed and rubbed my face a few times.

Why she would appeared in my dreams. She is very close to me. Chika, I know you are close with me. I will try hard to find you.

I do my morning routines and realised that I late for a dance practice. I wear my casual clothes and go downstairs.

I peeked at Eun Hye bedroom and turned out she's not there. I go to the kitchen and found a tiny notepad stick at the refrigerator. It from Eun Hye.

'Hey, I have a fan meeting today, I didn't
cook anything special but I think it okay
For your breakfast. I'm sorry for burden you
Last night. I will be back tomorrow morning.'

Eun Hye

I found myself smiling like a fool people after reading that small note.

"Why I care though" I scoffed. I crumpled that note and throw it into the dustbin.

I grabbed my car keys and drive my car to the studio.


"Hey, Jungkook-ah! Pretty late,huh??" Yoongi patted my head. "After you stayed together, you arrived late, are they, things that I don't know??" Taehyung wriggled his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about. He didn't even care if his future wife got a fever or cold" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Who are you to judge me" I stared at him.

"I'm her best friend, and you just his business husband nothing more" Jimin fight back.
"I know how to treat her, you don't have to be in part of this" I glared at him.

"Stop bickering! Jimin, I think you should stay away from this. Jungkook will be her husband, he know what to do" RM pulled Jimin away.

I smirked at him and we continued our practice. My condition and Jimin getting better as I apologise at him when it not my fault.

Well, the oldest will think they are right. I just can't think straight. Why would he care about Eun Hye. Did he perhaps like her.

If they like each other, they will date. Oh god, I will never let them do that.

I'm not jealous, I just don't want them to be together. I don't know why.

"Hey, let talk for a while" someone patted my shoulder. I turned around and look at Jimin.

"Okay" I nodded.

I followed him to the rest room. "I want to apologize about earlier. I just do my work as Eun Hye friends" He sighed.

"No, I understand, hyung. I'm the one that doesn't treat her well" I rubbed my nape.

"Yah! You two, let get back to our practice" Jin called. "Nae~ we will be there!" I shouted.
Jimin about to go but I grabbed his wrist.

"Do you perhaps, like Eun Hye??" I asked him. "No, I just like her as a friends" he smiled and pulled his hand away. I sighed and go back to the studio.
End Of POV


Eun Hye POV

"Annyeong, how you been" I greeted one of my fanboys. "Eun Hye, did you just broke up with Jooheon??" He asked. "W-what??" I tried to listened it one more time.

"Did you just broke u-"

"Yes, I did" I smiled weakly. "Aww, don't worry. You got me" He then winked at me. I just chuckled at my fan cuteness.

I signed the albums and pulled his hand in me. I can feel his hand tremble. "Please take care of yourself" I smiled at him. He nodded and go to the next member.

After the signing album session done, we have an interaction session with our fans.

"You guys can ask us anything" Lena said using her mic.

"Did you just break up with Jooheon?"
"Why you broke up with him?"
"You deserve better Eun Hye"
"Aww there are no HyeJoo anymore"

"Relax, guys. I really did just broke up with him. It okay, that was couple things" I smiled.

"Aww, stay strong" one of the fans shouted. I smiled and blow a flying kiss.

"Any? Question?" Hye In asked. "We can't wait for your collaboration with BTS" the fan shouted.

"The collaboration are super amazing!! Please wait for it" I smiled.


I smiled at my fans. This is why I love my fans. This is why I think they are my half life. I'm just a normal person without them. They know more about me than myself. I love them.

Thanks guys❤️ really cringey 😂

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