Make out

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I started to breath heavily while looking deeply into her innocent eyes. I gulped while my eyes trailed off to her naked body.

She is so hot. She is so perfect. Her body is so perfect. I'm not into her body but I love her sincerely. I'm too afraid to touch her because i afraid that I will hurt her.

I look back at her eyes when she suddenly pressed her lips on my lips. I hungrily kiss her back passionately. This session became hotter by time. I can't hold it back anymore. I slid my tongue inside her mouth and explored it. This is just like a dream. Having bed session with the person I love. With no time I explored her lower body with mine.

She moaned in pleasure while it keep turning me on. I carssed her face and keep tucked her damp hair that get wet by her sweat behind her ears.

I kiss her passionately while she grabbed my back. I deepen the kiss as our tongue dancing in our mouth together.

My breath hitched as I smile in my kiss.

I trailed off to her jaw and kiss her neck while making mark all over her neck.

"This is sign that you are mine" I smirked before continued the our hot session.

This night is just too amazing. This is the most amazing night for me. The night where we are mixed together.

The night when we are one. The night we explored each other. The night we make pleasure. And the night we confess to each other.


I plopped myself beside her body as stared at each other eyes deeply. I place my cold palm on her pinkish cheek.


"I wish you are not drunk" I said while caressing her cheeks softly. She then smile sweetly that make me soft.

"And I'm not"


third person POV;

Eun Hye snuggles closer to Jungkook chest as they were sharing their warmth. Jungkook hold her body tightly as he pulled her closer to his body.

Eun Hye then opened her eyes just to be welcomed by pleasant figure infront of her. Her eyes soften while she smiling like an idiot people.

She ran her hand across his soft hair and trailed off to his face. He caressed while studying his face feature carefully.

Her hand then stopped at his plump lips.

"I hope I'm not dreaming right now" she rubbed her thumb slowly at Jungkook lips.

"You're not my sweetheart" Jungkook opened his eyes when he crashed his lips onto Eun Hye lips.

Their lips reacting to each other while their hand trailed to each other back.


Happy huh❤️So yeah,this is the "smut chapter" that I been talking about. Sorry for this chapter😪🙌

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