
22 1 0

The two of us shouted trying to defend ourselves.

"Dad, we are still young and I'm an idol. I have more things to do" I begged. "What the? I'm also an idol. Please, Omma, appa" he begged too.

"There are no turning back and you two are gonna married. My final decision" my dad slammed the table. "But I don't even know him!" I talk back. "I know it hard for you darling,but this is just for business and company. After that, you guys can do whatever you want." Mrs Jeon tried to calm me.

"But I don't love him, I don't know him" I sit back and looked down. "That's why we planned a vacation for you guys and many more things to make your relationship closer" My mom smiled.

I just faked a smiled and looked at him. He back at his phone again not even care what going to happened.

After the meeting, I just stayed at my room and crying for an hour. I literally hate this idea. This is not what I'm imagined when I was kid. This is not what I want. I want to marry with someone that I love. Not some strangers.

Knock knockk

"NaEeeEe~" my voice cracked. There someone standing and walked beside me. "I know it hard for you to accept this,but this is just a ways to help dad company" Eun Gi pulled me closer to him.

"I know. But I don't even know him. And he not giving any fuck to introduce himself" I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I can't tell you this but I have to, you going to marry Your freaking bias. Jeon Jungkook" Eun Gi sighed. "Jung-jungkook?" My face lit up a bit hearing his name.

Eun Gi just nodded and I smiled happily. "I promise if he done anything at you. I will destroy his face. I'm not giving any fuck either he is an idol or not" Eun Gi changed his expression.

It scary. He getting angry is the worst nightmare ever. And I'm not letting that happen.

"Omma? Why I have to dress up? I'm just going to meet him" I sighed. "You gonna meet him. He is your future husband. You have to dressed up well" my mom playfully slapped my arms.

I don't know why but I really happy to go on date with him. It literally every girls dream.

I just wear a t shirt and a tennis skirt. I let my hair down and put some cute makeup. I'm so nervous.

"Please enjoy yourself. Jungkook-ah, protect her okay." My mom said before letting me go.
"I promise" he smiled. I can hear my heartbeat racing like crazy. That was lame but it can make any girls heart beat so fast.

"Let's go" he grabbed my hand and intertwined our hand. It so soft. My hand started to sweat now.

He opened the car door for me. So freaking materialllll!!!!!!

I smiled at him and I enter the car. He go beside me and started to drive the car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him. "We going to the amusement park" he said coldly. Where my cute bunny and gentlemen jungkook go?

We arrived at our destination after 25 minutes driving. I exit the car and amused by the scenery I had seen.

"Woaaah" I widened my eyes and my mouth. "Close your mouth,dear. You look like a stupid people" he close my mouth. The sudden touch make me freeze.

"Let's go! Pabo-ya!" He shouted that make me flinch a bit.

I saw a huge roller coaster and started to get excited. "Jungkook-ah!! Look at that!!" I shouted and pulled his arms with me.

He just followed me around. After we queuing up, I forgot that I still holding his hand. "My hand." He said coldly. I quickly let it go. My face reddened due to the shyness.

I'm so stupid. At this moment, I suddenly remembered my date with Jooheon when we still dating. That when we make our future kids name.

"Yah!! Come here!!!!!" I wake from my thoughts and run to Jungkook that was already in front of the line.

After the ride, my stomach suddenly didn't feel good. I started to cough. When the vomits are going to come out from my mouth, I quickly run to the restroom.

"Yah! Yah!! Where you goin?!!" Jungkook tried to catch me.

I stared at the toilet mirror. My face look so pale and tired. I washed my face didn't care about my makeup.

I walked out the toilet and met Jungkook. "Yah! Don't you ever tried to run like that again-"

He stopped when he saw my face. "What wrong with you?! Are you okay?? You want to go home?" He check on me. "Ye-yes please" I stuttered.

He sighed and drive me home. "If you want to die today, please don't. Let's get married first. Then, if you want to die, it your choices. I will not stopped you" he sighed.

My heart shatter. Did he hate me. If he hate me,then why he want to get married first. I don't understand this. Firstly, he acted like he care and love me. After this, he acted like he doesn't care about me.

After we arrived at my house, I unbuckled my seatbelt and going out. Suddenly Jungkook grabbed my wrist.

"Please forget what I just said. I'm sorry" he then let go of my wrist. I ignored his word and entered my house.

Jungkook POV
I sighed after her figure dissapear from my sight. I can't do this to her. It not her fault. I don't do this things to girls.

"Jungkook-ah, this is your chance to shine." My mom said.

"But mom, I don't love her. It just I can't love her. I already wait for someone that I love" I sighed. "Then you got two choice dear, marry her, but don't treat her goodly and take the ceo place or marry her sincerely and fall in love with her." My mom said

"I didn't told you to hurt her but you got two choices the ceo place or fall in love with her. Please think about this uhmm?" My mom then walked out of my room.

How can I do this. I don't do this things to girl. I can't hurt girls heart. They are too precious. Their tears are my weakness.

That it!! Thanks❤️

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