Move In

17 1 0

"Omma!!! How could you!" I throw tantrum at my mom. After that, I felt a sharp pain on my cheeks.

"Owww" I winced in pain. "Don't you ever talk to me like that again" my mom scolded me. "But I don't want to, I want to live with my family" my tears dropped.

"You can get closer to each other if you live with him. He nice and I know he is" my mom eyes softened.

I sighed and ran my hands at my hair. I ran upstairs and plopped myself on my bed. "Eun Hye? Are you okay?" Eun Gi came.

"Y-yes, I'm really fine. Serious" I fake a smiled. "No you don't, and you can't lie to me" Eun Gi lifted his eyebrows. He cupped my face and sighed.

"Owwww" I groaned as his hand touch my reddened cheeks due to my mom hand.

"I'm I'm sorry, I didn't realise it. I really sorry about it" my beloved brother face became worried.

"It okay" I smiled weakly. He then sighed and pulled me into his embrace. "How could I let you go. I never ready to let you go. Eun Ha gone and now you? I can't bare this." He tighten his grips.

"This is your fate for having two idol sister in your life" I chuckled.

My smiles faded when I feel a tears dropped on my head. I looked up and saw Eun Gi eyes became red.

"Oh my" I wiped his tears using my thumb. He chuckled and scoffed. "You don't have to do this" he pushed my hand away.

How can I let him go if he always do this to me. He is the only man beside my father that make me feel so safe and protected.

"Please treat her well okay. Eun Hye, please behave your self" my mom warned me before actually let me go.

"Nae~ mom" his face scrunched up a bit.

Mom? Actually that a little bit cute

He helped me with my luggage and bag. "You okay with this?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm a strong guy you know" he smirked.

What the fuck. Did he just smirk at me. Why can't he just stop teasing me. My heart won't stop beating for him although I know that i didn't like him.

I sat at the passenger seat beside him and take out my phone from my bag. After a minutes, I felt a heavy weight sit beside me. It must be him.

I look beside and he is trying to started the car. His sleeve was rolled up till it reached his elbow. Isn't material.

When I saw he turning his head towards me, I quickly shifted my gaze back to my phone.

"Weird" he mumbled under his breath that can be heard.

"Umm, ou-our wedding is about two weeks from now" I stuttered. "You know what? It been delayed due to my tour and it will be this weekend" he shrugged.

"What the???!!!!! How about my dress and all the wedding things!??" I shouted. "Chill,man. No need to shout" he rolled his eyes.

"Our parents had settled that" he said coldly. "Ouh Okay" I agreed and the silence feel the air.

The awkwardness became strong and stronger every minutes. I tried to break the silence but doesn't had any gut to, do I just pretend to sleep.

Without knowing, my eyes really closed and brought me to my dreamland.

The awkward really getting on my nerves. I think I should break This awkwardness. "So I'm going to tell you about ou-"

I stopped my sentences when I see Eun Hye sleeping peacefully. Her hair that was tucked behind her ears falling down on her face. I tucked her hair behind her ears and admired her face.

I scanned her face and body. She is really pretty and gorgeous. She really have a flawless and glowing skin. Her skin is fair and suitable with her eyes colour.

Her nose is tiny but perfectly build up. Her lips is so small but fluffy. Wait how did I know this.  Her double eyelids make her face more perfect than any of girl in this world. Her cheeks is so chubby and covered by crimson red.

Her eyelashes is so curly and so gorgeous. She got long honey brown hair. It so soft and curly a bit.

I admit it. She got really perfect and curvy body. No reason that she got many fanboys. Many of them will fight with one another to be at my place now. Admiring the angel beside me.

Ponnn ponnnn

I realised that I had skipped two green lights just admiring her face. I quickly shrugged those thought off and drive off. I could hear my heartbeat increase. Stop acting this way my heart.

"Hey, wake up. We arrived" I quickly opened my eyes and see Jungkook a little bit too close with me. I flinched and fluttered my eyes.

"I don't want to kiss you, you idiot" he rolled his eyes and get off from the car.

My heart still beating so fast from the closeness  that Jungkook sit. I rubbed my chest tried to calm down my heart. I gulped my saliva get off from the car. He already enter the house and leave me with my bags and his bag alone.

"Please take my bag too, I'm tired!" He shouted inside the house.

I sighed and take his baggage with me. I exhausted from bringing his freaking heavy bag

I suddenly let go of his bag and it dropped down. "What the fuck!!! It really expensive and you just throwed it like that!!!! You already do some shit for your first day with me" he scolded me.

I just flinched and tears started to feel up my eyes. I keep looking down trying to hide my tears. He harshly grabbed his bagged and go to his room.

I followed him till we arrived at 'our' room.

"Sorry, this is my room. You can sleep at the maid room. I don't want to share a bed with you" He then slammed the door infront my face.

I sighed and go to the maid room downstairs or should I suppose to called it my room?

Thanks guys!!! I really appreciate you guys! Thanks for reading❤️

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