Dance Practice

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I wiped off my sweat as I'm just finished warming up myself by dancing to a random song.

"That was pretty good" Lena said before handing me a towels. "Where is the others member?" I asked her. "They are buying some snacks at the cafe" Lena said.

I just nodded and sit at the corner of the practice room.


"Let's start our practice" Jimin said while handing his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand as he pulled me up.

"So what song will we cover?" Jimin asked me. "I think 'Say you won't let go' is good" I smiled at him.

"Oh, that's a great idea, let's try to make a choreography" Jimin smiled as his eyes wrinkled.

We customize our own choreography and I admit it. It is little bit sexy and touchy. Jimin have to hugged me.

At first, I really felt so uncomfortable but his face and his words make me really relieve and comfortable.

I became more confident after he said that it is okay.

I nodded and follow his steps. After all, I really thought that he is so charming when he dance.

He make my nervous go and dance with me like we own our world. It really amazing because I never felt like that before.

I stared at his face while he was explaining the step. His sweat and our closeness make my heart beat like crazy.

This is the first time I being so close with BTS members and he is the first one.

"Hey, are you listening" he said. I shake my head and nodded at him while smiling.

"You are cute" he said.


Did he just call me


"Hey,can you stop staring like an idiot" Jimin said and flicked my head.

"Owww, What is your problem" I rubbed my forehead. He chuckled and ignored me. "This kid really get on my nerve" I said and ran to him.

I tried to hold his hand and flicked his head but he is toooooo tall for me and he is tiptoeing while pushing my head away.

"I have to catch you" I struggling. He suddenly pulled away his hand and I forcefully stumble to the front and pushed him with me.

Now, I'm on top of him.

His smirked now changed to a serious one. My smile also faded away.

Then we heard a thumped sound from the door. We looked at it and see a head of a guy before he dissapeared.

I get off from Jimin and asked him. "Who is that, I can't see him well" I rubbed my dirty clothes.

"Neither me" he shrugged.

We continued our practice and we became close so far.

He always make a joke to escaped from an awkwardness. He asked me a thousand question and it all about Jungkook.

I ended up spilling the tea and told him the truth. The truth relationship of me and Jungkook.

He seems to understand it and gave many advice.

After all, he is my best friend. He was there when I had an accident, he was there when I cried and he is always there when I'm alone.

But I really see him just as a friend. Nothing more. Actually, I really do find him attractive but not that kind of feelings, you know.

He is really handsome. He is really kind. He is really caring. He is really my type. He is really my ideal boyfriend. He is really charming. He is really attractive.

But I don't feel anything with him. I really like him. I admit it. He really make my heart beat like crazy but the the feelings of love never came to me.

Maybe we just should stay as a friends.

The feelings of love when I felt with Jungkook never came to another person.

Although, Jungkook is really a jerk sometimes but I don't know why, my heart really comfortable with him.

I felt like my heart was acting like it was normal and usual.

I mean the feelings I had felt before with my first crush.

So let's move on to the JiminxEunHye moments😂 stay tuned for next chapter❤️

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