
18 1 0

I unpacked my stuff and put in the room. I sighed for the thousand times today. I just can't believe this. How can I live with him if he acting that way toward me.

I was about to grabbed my underwear and bra then put it on the floor. I matched it with a same colour and choose a perfect combination. Suddenly Out of nowhere Jungkook barged into my room.

I flinched and froze at that moment. He also frozed at the door and looking at my underwear. I quickly place them behind me. My face flushed red due to shyness.

"What did you want!!" I screamed. "O-oh, I'm hungry, please cook some food for me" he stuttered. He then leave my room.

I'm still embarrassed to face him after what happened. I exit my room and walked to the living room.

Jungkook was playing a games at the TV and completely don't know my presence. "What do you want for dinner" I asked him while looking down.

"Whatever" He still on the game. I nodded and go to the kitchen to make the dinner. I opened the cabinet just to be welcomed by a spider web and dirty dust.

"You don't have anything here!!" I shouted from kitchen.

"Then, What are you doing now?? Go buy it" he said coldly. "No, it snowing outside. It freaking cold and I don't want to catch cold" I pouted.

"Do you think I care? My stomach is more important than your health, now go" he pushed me outside and slammed the door.

I'm wearing a jeans and shirt without any of jacket or sweatshirt in the snowing season.

I cursed under my breath and ran to the convenience store when I remembered that I don't have the car keys. It bout 200 m from our house.

I was running like crazy and arrived at the convenience store. "Oh my god! What are you doing here in this cold weather?!! You could catch fever or cold" someone give me his jacket or hoodie.

"N-no, I don't need it. I totally fine" I smiled. "So what you gonna do here?" He asked me. "Buying grocery Of course" I chuckled. "Oh" he rubbed his nape.

"Then I will wait for you. I will drop you off" he smiled. I nodded and go finding the ingredients.

"The total is 63.39$" the cashier said. I'm about to picked my wallet from my pockets when I suddenly realised that I leave my wallet at home.

"Here you go" He then smiled. "Thanks, please come again" the cashier bow.

My eyes still widened from the sudden treat. "I will pay you later, okay?" I grabbed his wrist. "Nah, come on. It getting colder outside" he grabbed your shoulder and ran to his car.

We sat in the front seat and talk about useless things. Then we became silence.


I snorted my nose. I start to sneezing and rubbed my nose. My nose getting red and redder. He then look at me with worried face. Suddenly he put his hand at my forehead.

"You are burning!!!" He then shouted. "We should go to the doctor" he said worriedly. "No need, I totally fine" I smiled when I sneezed again.

"So fine" he rolled his eyes. I just chuckled and He brought me to the doctor. I got the medicine and he dropped me home.

"You can stop here" I smiled. "Oh? Isn't Jungkook house?" He asked. "Yes, we are living together" I smiled fakely.

"Okay, see you later. Bye" he waved at me. "Bye, thank you chim for the ride and medicine. I smiled and then enter the house.

I welcomed by a monster standing infront if me. "Wha the!! Oh my god! You surprised me" I rubbed my chest. "Who is that guy" he lifted his eyebrows.

"Why you care though" I rolled my eyes. "Because if anything bad happened to you, I'm have to take the responsibility" he said with high tone that make me flinched. "And I don't want to take any responsibility on you" he cleared his throats.

"He is my friend, he is Jimin" I said clearly. "Okay, please cook my food quickly. My stomach started to make noise" he then leaves me.

I sighed and go to the kitchen to cook dinner for us.

"Here is your chopsticks" I said then sit infront of him. "Since you are here. I want to talk a bit with you" Jungkook said.

He looked at you with an arrogant face. "In this house, you have to follow my rules." He frowned. "You can't enter my room even though there's fire or robber. You have to mind your own business and me too. I can do what I want and you don't need to know" he lifted his eyebrows.

"We have to became a marry couple just for 2 years. Then I will divorce you. Don't do anything stupid. Okay" he warned me.

The words divorce squeezed my heart hard. I just nodded and looked down at my feet. My body didn't feel good because of the fever I just got. Thanks to Jungkook, I got cold.

I stand up from the chair and leave him alone. I stayed in my room the whole night. I covered myself in the blanket and shivered. I eat my medicine but it doesn't give any impact on me.

Oh god. Tomorrow I got fan meeting. I didn't eat since this morning.

I send messages to my unnie and told them I'm sick and couldn't make it.

Me: unnie, I couldn't make it
Yuri: Why? You know this is one of the biggest fan meet we ever had?

Me:I just catch a fever
Lena: it okay, we don't force you to come, but if you can, please come here.
Hye In: Just rest. I don't recommend you to come.

Yuri: Yeah.
Lena: it up to you darling ;)
Me: thanks guys :)

I turned off my phone and shut my eyes. Then slowly I drifted to sleep.

I shut her door close and go to the living room.
I really worried about her. Does she could be her.

Her face features really resembles chika girls a lot. She could not be her. She would not be her ever.

I go to my rooms and locked the door. I sit at the edges of my bed. I sighed looking at the painting and the Polaroid pictures stuck all over my rooms.

That one of my reasons, she could not enter my room. I really do likes her. I started to grow my feelings toward her but I just can't get off chika from my heads. And I don't want her to be hurt by looking at this picture.

I tried to hide my feelings toward her and stayed with chika. Whatever happened, I will not move on with chika.


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