
19 1 0

I arrived at my house after one days out. I slowly walking inside the house trying not to make any sound.

It because I arrived at late night and I promised to be back earlier in the morning. I look around the house and it clear. There are no sign of Jungkook.

I relieve a sigh and started to walk like a normal.

"Where had you been" a deep voice interrupts me. I flinched and look behind me.

"I- I went out with my members" I smiled. "Where did you go?" He asked with a lustful eye.

"C-club" I stuttered. "Did you got my approval?" He asked. "When did I have to get your approval to go out with my friends??" I lifted my eyebrows.

"You don't have to know what I had been and with who" I rolled my eyes. I leave him speechless and go straight to my room.

Day by day I started to hate him. Such an ignorant man.

I plopped myself and text Jimin. It 2 in the morning. Could he be awake.

Me: Hey, you asleep?
Chim: Nah, are you not tired?
Me: Nope. Hey, can we meet tomorrow??
Chim: Yeah, anytime.
Me: Thanks, meet me at xxxx in 6
Chim: okay, see you there :)
Me: You too ^.^

I throwed my phone beside me and breath heavily. Suddenly, I felt so thirsty. I decided to go to the kitchen to drink some water.

My hand roaming around the counter in the dark kitchen. Suddenly I felt something hot behind me.

I grabbed the glass and turned around. I swear to god, I regret from turning around. It was Jungkook wearing a white T-Shirt with a wet body. Maybe he just finished working out.

He grinds on me closely. I widened my eyes from the sudden touch at the down part. I pushed his chest but he won't budge a bit.

"P-please, leave me alone" tears started to threatening down.

My tears started to give an affect to him. His eyes changed into a soften one. His orbs roaming around me.

"M-mianhae" he stumbled back. He grabbed his hair in frustration.

I quickly ran to my room and locked it. I quickly go to sleep to stop thinking about the incident.

Jungkook POV

I go to the kitchen to grab some water when I see Eun Hye just wearing a tank top and super short boxer. It was underneath her top that make her looks like doesn't wear any pants.

I can't control my hormones when I see her like that. I grind on her and she turned around. I smirked at the first when it slowly faded away.

S- she's crying?

I stopped grinding on her when I saw her eyes started to water. It my weakness seeing a girl crying. I move to the back and said sorry to her.

I think I had lost my mind. How can I face her tomorrow!!

End Of POV


Eun Hye POV

I wake up due to the brightness of the sun. I gave up on my sleep on go to the bathroom. I wash my face and do my morning routine. I wear a casual outfit and go to the kitchen.

I looked at the watch. It only 7 in the morning. I really wake up early.

I make a toast and a bacon for breakfast. I eat the breakfast first and go to the living room. It my favourite show.

Then Jungkook walked into the living room.

"Your breakfast in the kitchen" I said without looking at him. "O-okay" he stuttered.


I muttered under my breath. After 30 minutes, Jungkook came to the living room from the kitchen. I looked at him and turned my gaze back at the tv shows.

"H-hey, Today we have a dinner with our parents. Dress up well. We will go there at 6" he said.

"B-but" I sighed. "Okay" I nodded. I had to cancel my meeting with Jimin. I really felt so bad for him.

I took out my phone and text Jimin.

Me: Chim?
Chim: Yeah?
Me: I'm really sorry. I had to cancel our meeting because we have a family dinner tonight.

Chim: Ah~ it okay:)
Me: I'm so sorry:'|
Chim: it really Okay ;)
Me: Thanks!
Chim: My pleasure:]

I turned off my phone and sighed. "What are you gonna do with him?" A voice whisper at my ears.

It Jungkook. I can feel his hot breath at my neck. My body froze and slowly turning my head to the voice.

He freaking 5cm away from my face. I moved myself away from him. "I asked you" He frowned.

"Why you care though" I rolled my eyes. "Because Jimin is my Bestfriend" he said with a 'duh' tone. "Some personal matter" I lifted my eyebrows.

I ignored him and continued to watch my drama.


I wear my red dress with a sparkle diamond decorated on my dress. I let my hair down and put a little bit heavy makeup.

I go to the car outside looking at Jungkook. He is perfectly dress up. I mean he never make me down with his appearance. My heart won't stop beating fast after I locked my eyes with him.

My heart always act like this if I was around him. Did I just like him. He really attractive that I can't hold it anymore.

How about this chapter guys??❤️

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