Chapter 7| Sangemarmar Ka Dil

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[Apologies for the english description of verse. As I was more fluent in English while writing it. But I guarantee you'll relate it with all of them INN SHAA ALLAH. ]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Surah Hud!
هود 11:47

قَالَ رَبِّ اِنِّیۡۤ اَعُوۡذُ بِکَ اَنۡ اَسۡـَٔلَکَ مَا لَـیۡسَ لِیۡ بِہٖ عِلۡمٌؕ وَاِلَّا تَغۡفِرۡ لِیۡ وَتَرۡحَمۡنِیۡۤ اَکُنۡ مِّنَ الۡخٰسِرِیۡنَ

[Noah] said, "My Lord, I seek refuge in You from asking that of which I have no knowledge. And unless You forgive me and have mercy upon me, I will be among the losers."

(This is one of my favourite duas of Qura'an. No doubt all duas are beautiful by our prophets in their own way and this is one of those beautiful duas I learned recently. I hope and pray that I'm able to share the correct extract according to my weak understanding and learning. amen )

Here, it is the conversation between Noah A.S and ALLAH SWT when HE decided to drown the umah of Noah A.S as in punishment.
Those who were the followers were asked to come in boat because this place would be drowning in no time. If you ever had a chance of reading these few Ayahs, you may know that in one of previous few ayahs Allah SWT promised Noah A.S that he'll save his family except his wife that was among the ignorant and didn't chose to come with Noah. But when the havoc struck the city, Noah A.S witnessed his son drowning as well. He asked ALLAH SWT about his son and ALLAH SWT said in the previous Ayah, Do not ask of the things that you may not know. And the following ayah is the dua of Noah A.S, where He asked refuge from asking for the thing he may have no knowledge about. Now many of us can't even imagine the pain of the father whose son got drowned infront of eyes and he was not able to save him no matter how hard he had tried.
Now, this makes us learn that:
Few things can't be imposed on anyone because the flow has been decided by the one who created us.
Dua is a powerful ,powerful weapon mentioned in Qura'an but even then you have to understand the directions of Allah S.W.T. you have to keep faith, even if that's holding the weakest corner of boat. But you've to hold on. You can't skip the process. You have to go through and live through it.
Sometimes what we think or desire doesn't happen the way we thought it would be or we tried hard to make it that way but you have to understand that not everything will make sense at a time and you are not the controller of waves. You can just control your sail, your ship. So try to hold. Try to find out the blessings in disguise. And Most important, Try for best and try hard but don't mix it with being fixed or stubborn at a thing that's not written for you. In hurricanes, going with the flow is the best or I should say only option cause else you'll drown. And the people who think they can win against the orders of the one the ONE who created them, suffer.
May HE forgive us all and guide us all on the right path. The path where Our Rabb is found.

"Mein kab se aap logo ka intizaar kar raha tha. Itni dair lga di ? Acha chorein! How's the girl? Did you like her? Did she agree? Oh no wait. Did you propose her?"

Aarish excitement mein ek sawaal Daadi jaan se puchta phir ek Ruhaan se. Woh Daadi jaan kay kamrey mein kab se baitha dono ka intizaar kar raha tha.

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