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Your POV

"How dare he touch me like that huh!!! FUCK!" I yell and hit the steering wheel as I drive to my stress relief spot.
I brake my car harshly and get out of it slamming the car door shut. I get on the usual scuba diving boat on the Han river. After wearing the diving suit I take my oxygen tank and jump in the water free falling downwards. Closing my eyes I let the water calm me.
After a while I swim back up and get on the boat.

"Boss are you okay." June says.

"How did you know I'm here?" I ask taking off my oxygen tank

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"How did you know I'm here?" I ask taking off my oxygen tank.
"Boss c'mon now don't ask me this type of question and make me a stranger" He says smiling at me.
"Let's head back." I say going in the changing room. After changing I get in my car and start driving.

After few months of peace.

"Unnie, can I go to the mall with my friends today." Rafia says smiling.
"Um okay you can but don't you dare let Jeon out of your side. Get it?" I say.
"Yes Unnie don't worry I'll be fine." She says and runs out of the house being followed by Jungkook.
I walk to my study and sip on my drink working on my laptop.

Nobody's POV

Rafia was in the mall trying out clothes with her friends. Jungkook was right outside the shop waiting for them.
A man went in the shop who was wearing all black and a mask.
The man was staring at Rafia intensely.
Rafia sees the man and feels uncomfortable and tells her friends that she's going home. She got out of the shop to find Jungkook but he wasn't there. When she turn around to go back in the shop the man was standing behind her with an intense gaze.

 When she turn around to go back in the shop the man was standing behind her with an intense gaze

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The man pulls his mask down and smirks at Rafia.
"Hi babygirl, I found you." He says and before Rafia could speak or do something he puts a handkerchief on her mouth and makes her senseless. He hugs her letting her fall in his arms.


Jungkook was waiting for Rafia and her friends outside of the shop when someone hit him on the back of his head making him senseless and left him in the parking lot of the shopping mall.

Jimin's POV

I was sitting in my study when Taehyung called me and told me to go to his room.
I enter his room and see Rehana's younger sister laying on the bed senseless.
"Taehyung what the fuck did you do?!" I yell.
"Hyung I told you I want her so I got her." He says.
"Yeah very good you dumbass now I got to deal with her psycho sister." I say and storm out of the room.
Though if I think it's good, now I can blackmail that little bitch. It will be fun.

Your POV

I was working out when I found out that Jungkook called and informed that he was attacked and Rafia is missing. My heart skipped a beat hearing about the news. Suddenly my phone started buzzing.

"Hi wild kitty."
"Who the fuck is this?"
"I'm Park Jimin."
"What the fuck do you want?"
"I don't want anything but I might have something you want babygirl."
"Stop twisting your words and tell me why you called me?"
"I have your sister do you want her?"
"You asshole don't you dare touch her I'll fucking kill you!!"
"Calm down sweetheart don't rise your voice at me or else it won't be good for her."
"Look don't hurt her."
"Sure sweetie only if you do as I tell you to do."
"I'll tell you soon what to do bye babygirl"

*the call ends*

"Damn it!!" I yell and slam the phone on the floor.
"Boss what's wrong?" Suga asks.
"Nothing just leave me alone and keep a eye on that Jimin and his younger brother, especially his brother. Call me as soon as he goes out of the house on his own. Got that?" I say exhaling deeply.
"Yes Boss." He says and walks out.

Time Skip

I was sitting in the darkness of my room worrying about Rafia when Suga notified me that Jimin's younger brother left their mansion all alone. I wait no longer and get in my car driving to the location Suga sent me to follow where he's off to.
After a while of following, I see him stop his car in an isolated road and get out of his car. To buy some drugs from a drug dealer. I mean bingo, as soon as I see the drug dealer goes away I step out of my car and shoot him in his leg.
"Oh my god bitch you're crazy!!" He groans falling on the road.
"Oh I'll show you crazy you little shit" I walk to him and hold him up by his hair. Dragging him to the trunk of my car, I put him in it and start to drive back to my mansion.
"Oh how the tables have turned." I say to myself smirking.

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