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Your POV

After taking him in my mansion I hand him over to Junglook and tell him to torture him as much as possible without killing him.
I walk to my study and make myself a drink. I chuckle on my own sitting in my chair with my legs up on the desk.
"Now let's see what Mr. Park does." I say to myself sipping on my drink.

Next day

I decide to call Jimin and give him the good news.

"Hello Mr. Park."
"Hey you, do you have my brother?"
"Wow you're smart."
"Fucking shit!! I want my brother back."
"And I want my sister back you asshole."
"Fine! Meet me in my club and I'll give you your sister and you give me my brother."
"Oh really and I will come to your club so that you can attack me. You think I'm a fool?"
"Then where do you want to meet me Ms. Oversmart?"
"I'll send you the address."

I end the call and text him the address of the club I go to.
I get ready and take my gun.
I order Jungkook to get that little bitch and follow me to the club.

In the club.

I walk in and see Jimin sitting at a table with Rafia beiside him.
I look at Rafia and see her eyes are all droopy and sad. I feel something is wrong.
"Taehyung did you touch her?" I ask.
"Yes I fucking did, I fucked her." He spats.
My world collides, she's so young how could he do that to her. I feel my body heat up, I take out my gun and hold it against his skull.
"You motherfucker!" I yell.
"Calm the fuck down woman." Jimin says pointing his gun at Rafia.
I glare at Jimin kicking Taehyung making him fall at Jimin's feet.
"Rafia come." I say.
Rafia walks to me and I pull her in a hug feeling like crying my eyes out. She does nothing and stays in my arms like a stone, I feel like it's all my fault. After making her sit inside the car I get in too. I sit beside her and tell Jungkook to start driving. I look at her but she doesn't look at me, she just stares out the window without blinking.

Jimin's POV

"Taehyung what the hell bro!!" I say looking at him annoyed.
"Hyung you need to teach her a lesson she beat me up." He whines.
"You're humiliating me man. First you kidnap her sister and then you get kidnapped. Like seriously what are you doing?" I ask him.
"Hyung I don't know I want Rafia." He whines.
"Yeah your Hyung will get her for you don't worry brother." I say and walk out of the club leaving him with my bodyguards.
She needs a good lesson, I mean she's too much. I need to break her pride.
After doing some research on her I find out she has a few factories she dearly cherishes. So, I decide to destroy them as my revenge.
I sent my man to plant bombs in her factories.

Time Skip

"They are planted?" I ask looking at my bodyguard.
"Yes Mr. Park." He says.
"Good. Explode them." I say smirking.
"Yes sir." He says and walks out.
"Now let's see what she does." I say leaning on my chair lighting a cigarette.

Your POV

When we got home Rafia straight up when to her room. She didn't even talk to me. I lost my bubbly innocent sister.
I sit down on the couch feeling like I failed my responsibility of protecting her. Dad must me ashamed of me right now.
I lean on the couch lost in my thoughts when June walks in.
"Boss we got some news." He says.
"What is it?" I say looking at him.
"Boss your um... the factories are destroyed someone planted bombs and completely ruined them." He says looking down.
My dad's last memory. He built those factories before he was killed. Why? Park Jimin that son of a bitch.
"Leave me alone for a while I need some alone time." I say holding back my tears.
As he leaves the room I order my maid to make a me drink and lay on the couch closing my eyes letting my tears fall.
"You will pay for this Park Jimin." I say to myself wiping my tears.

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