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I look at Jimin after chopping all of his hair. Jimin looks at me and says,
"I love you."
I feel a pinch in my heart. He's mocking me over and over for my feelings for him that are real.
"I'm dying baby." He says again and smiles.
"I'm happy that I'm seeing you before my death." He says and looks down.
I slap him hard not believing his bullshit.
"You thing you can fool me again?" I yell at him.
Jimin says nothing and just laughs loudly. I glare at him and look at Jungkook.
"Put him in the trunk I don't believe him at all he might attack us the moment we let him go." I say to him.
"Okay Boss." Jungkook says and starts untying Jimin.
"Kill me Ms. Oversmart I don't want to live please." Jimin says in a begging manner.
"I won't kill you I'll let you live without power."I say and walk to Rafia's room.
"Rafia let's go I got Taehyung's address." I say to her smiling.
"Oh my god Unnie!" She hugs me tight.
I hug her back patting her head.
"Let's go baby." I say and take her to the car where I see Jungkook standing by the it.
Rafia sits in happily. I look at Jungkook and walk to him.
"Thanks for everything you did for me Jungkook." I say smiling at him.
"Boss it's my duty." He says smiling.
I kiss his cheek and hug him goodbye. Jungkook hugs me back softly and smiles.
I break the hug and get in the car and start driving.
"Unnie where is the asylum?" Rafia asks looking at me.
"It's in Daegu, baby." I say looking at the road.

Time Skip to Daegu

I stop the car in front of the mental asylum. Rafia smiles at me excitedly and walks out of the car. I walk to the trunk and open it and see Jimin sleeping.
"Hey! Wake the fuck up!" I yell.
Jimin wakes up and looks at me sitting up.
I tie his hands on his back and walk with him holding him tight.
Jimin completely leans on me and walks. I glare at him warning him not to do these rubbish acts of his.
He closes his eyes still leaning on me. I say nothing and walk in where I see Rafia already talking in the reception. I let me do everything as she's so excited to meet Taehyung.

After a while they take us in a waiting area. I make Jimin sit and sit beside him looking at Rafia who's walking around waiting for Taehyung. I smile seeing her and feel something heavy on my shoulder and see that Jimin has completely dozed off on my shoulder. I look at his face and caress it softly feeling my eyes tear up. I quickly take my hand away and look ahead wiping my eyes.
The door opens and I see Taehyung walking in rubbing his eyes.

Rafia sees him and jumps on him hugging him tight. Taehyung smiles widely and hugs Rafia back even tighter and lets his tears fall. Both of them starts crying. I watch them from a far sitting on the chair.
After hours of them looking at each other and hugging. I stand up making Jimin stand with me.
Jimin groans in annoyance and says
"I was sleeping."
"Yeah I know." I say rolling my eyes.
"Unnie we are taking Taehyung with us right? Rafia asks.
"Of course we are baby." I say and walk out dragging Jimin being followed my them.

After completing all the formalities we walk to the car. As I opened the trunk to put Jimin in it, he vomits blood holding onto the car. I look at him and run to him but stop myself before doing anything stupid. I let him calm down and hold him up and make him sit in the front sit of the car. Rafia and Taehyung sits in the back as I start driving.
Jimin starts chuckling leaning on the seat.
"Oh, look at us all back together again." He says closing his eyes.
I ignore him and keep driving back to Seoul.

Back to Seoul

As I was heading back to my old mansion that Jungkook and Suga got fixed when I used to live with Jimin. Jimin starts vomiting blood again. I brake the car and drop Rafia and Taehyung and tell them to head to the mansion. I turn the car and start driving fast.
"Where are you taking me?" Jimin asks wiping his lips with the back of his hand.
"Shut up." I yell and head to the hospital.

I hard brake the car in front of the hospital and run out of the car. Wiping my tears I yell for help and two nurses comes running with a stretcher and helps Jimin out and takes him in.
I follow them in and see him being taken away in the emergency room.
A nurse comes up to me and tells me to go to the reception to fill in the form.
"Who are you to him?" The receptionist asks.
"I'm his wife." I say trying to calm myself down.
"Okay." She's says and fills in the rest of the form asking me about him. I answer her and walk back to the emergency room.
The doctor comes out and tells me to go in as Jimin wants to see me.
I walk in looking at him laying on the bed in between all the machines. He sees me and removes his oxygen mask and caresses my cheeks. I look at him and see a tear runs down his face. My eyes water automatically seeing him.
"I'm sorry." He whispers.
I put on his oxygen mask back on him and walk out of the room and lean on the door crying.
"Ma'am we need to talk." The doctor says, I wipe my tears and nod.
"The patient has a hole in his heart and it was neglected for years so now has enlarged so much that no medicine or no surgery can fix it." He says looking at me.
It feels like the ground beneath me has been removed. My knees starts shaking.
"Then how can we save him? There must me some way?" I ask in a shaky tone.
"He needs a heart transplant in 24 hours or else he will die." He says with an apologetic tone.
I gulp, wiping the tear that gathered in the corner of my eyes and enquire about Jimin's blood group and other stuff to find a donor.

After a while I walk to the doctor and tell him that I found the donor and inform them to prepare for his transplant as soon as possible. I walk up to the ICU where they kept Jimin. I peak in through the small glass window and let my tears fall.

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