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Next day

Jimin's POV

I walk in his mansion with two of my bodyguards.
"Jimin you're here." Rm says walking to me.
"Where is she?" I ask.
"Oh, you will get her but before that let's talk about my properties that you took." He says and sits on the couch.
I sit in front of him and look around.
"So sign this paper, it says that my properties that you took away from me will be mine." He says handing me a file of paper.
"No, first I see her and my men will hold her captive and then I'll sign." I say reading the file.

Rm signs a maid and the maid walks away. After a while another maid comes with two drinks.
"Here, please take this." He hands me a drink sipping on his own.
I drink down my drink.
"Where is she?" I look around and see her coming down the stairs and head spins.

Your POV

I was in the gym when a maid came and told me that Rm called me downstairs. I wipe my sweat and walk down. As I was walking down I see Jimin look at me and suddenly lay down on the couch.
Rm smirks and tells the bodyguards who were standing behind Jimin to tie him up in a chair.
They do as they were told and ties Jimin up.
"Look who's in the hot seat now." Rm says looking at me.
Rm walks to Jimin and pours water on his face waking him up.
Jimin groans waking up and shakes his head getting the water off him.
"Rm you traitor!!" He yells pulling on the rope. Some how seeing him like this reminds of the time when Jimin betrayed. My blood starts boiling. Rm looks at me and says
"Want to take some revenge on him."
I take a deep breath and calm down.
"No, some people are not worth it." I say looking at Rm.
"Come on he deserves one punch from you." He says chuckling.
"You got what you wanted, now I would like to leave with my sister and Taehyung's address." I say.
Rm walks to me and sits on the couch beside me.
"Sure I'll hand you the address."
"I'll die anyways after a few days, so if you want to kill me, why not let me die in the hands of Ms. Oversmart." Jimin says smiling and looks at me.
"But she doesn't even want to punch you Jimin." Rm says writing something on a paper.
"Yah Ms. Oversmart look at me, don't ignore me, come on I know you still love me baby." Jimin says laughing.
I look at him and walk to him and punch him hard in his jaw.
"I stopped loving you the day you got your men to kill your own child in my womb." I spat at him remembering the time when I begged him to tell his men to not hit me, but he didn't listen. That was the day I learned what real pain was, I was never in my life afraid of hits. But that day I was.
Jimin stares at me without any expression and looks away.
"Ohh man that's some rough shit." Rm says chuckling.
I look at Rm and walk to him.
"The address please." I ask for the paper from his hand.
He hands me the paper and smirks. I check the address on the paper and put it in my back pocket. I take both of my daggers out and throw them at the two bodyguards behind Jimin.
I take the other one and stab Rm in the neck.
"You were about to sell my sister and I to Jimin huh!!" What do you think you all will just use me!!" I yell and kick him making him fall. Rm groans falling on the floor.
"How did you know about that?" Rm asks me holding his neck.
"Never trust people, Park Jimin taught me that. I tapped you phone, I heard the entire conversation." I say looking at Jimin with disgust.
Jimin stares at me and starts laughing like a mad person. I look at my phone as it buzzes. I pick it up,

"Should I come in."
"Yes, come in."

I end the call and look at the door.

"Boss, you're back." Jungkook says walking towards me.
"Yes, I am." I say and take the file that I told him to prepare for me.
I walk to Jimin with the file and take his finger print on the paper forcefully.
"You wanted power right! You love power, now all you have is mine." I yell
"You married me without my consent, I took your you money, your power without your consent. Look Jungkook I got my revenge." I yell laughing.
"Yes, Boss you did." He says smiling.
"How baby? We are still not even." Jimin says smirking.
"Oh! You're right!" I say and walk to him and pull out my dagger from one of the bodyguard's and chop off all Jimin's hair.
Jimin just keeps his head down while I chop of all his hair smiling.
"Now we are Park Jimin."

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