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Months past, I have never been this happy in my life. Jimin makes me the happiest person in this world. He takes care of me so much, he still punishes me which I don't mind at all.
Rafia is happy with Taehyung as well. Taehyung got sober for her and is doing great.

Today I got Jimin's name tattooed on my lower belly. I'm so nervous to show him, what if he hates it? I think all this stuff walking in the mansion where surprisingly is see no one around. No guards no maids, what is happening.
"Where is everyone? Jimin" I call out for him looking around. But on one answers.
"Jim....." before I could finish calling out for him I feel a hard hit on the back of my head. I fall on my knees and before I could see who it was or do anything I lose consciousness.

I wake up groaning, my head hurts like a bitch and my vision is a little blurry. When my vision becomes clear I look around and see I'm in some kind of a basement. Hold up I've seen this place before. I widen my eyes, this is the mansion's basement. Did we get attacked? Where is Jimin? Rafia, is she and Taehyung safe? My mind starts exploding with these questions and all types of bad thoughts.
"Jimin!!" I yell letting my tears fall.
"Where are you guys? Please don't hurt them!" I yell not knowing to whom I'm talking to.

"Hi babygirl." A familiar voice says from behind me. I can't turn around, my hands are tied to the chair. The figure walks from behind me and is now standing in front of me.
"Jimin?" I look at him in shock. I'm pissed at him, he shouldn't joke like this my head hurts.
"Jimin it's not funny! Open me, my head hurts really bad." I say looking at him pissed.
He starts laughing without saying anything. What the hell is wrong with him?
"Jimin stop it open me, I need to tell you something you're going to be really happy about it." I say smiling at him.
"Oh really babygirl?" He asks smirking and gestures someone that's behind be to do something.

I feel a bandana go around my mouth to make me stop talking? What? And after a while I hear something being pulled. I look to my right and see Rafia tied to another chair crying her eyes out. I look at Jimin in shock! Did he? No he didn't, he can't. This is a joke I'm sure it's a joke.

"Jimin!! Open us up!!" I mumble not being able to talk properly.
Jimin just smirks looking at me.
"You still didn't get it? What are you a fool?" He says laughing.
I don't understand what is going on here.
"You fool! You think I love you? You think I want to be with you? Really bitch?" He says sipping on his drink.
I just stare at him blankly. He doesn't love me? What? I... no Jimin is joking.
"I did all of this to break you down so that I can take all your power and become more powerful. You want to know who attacked your mansion? It was me. Everything was planned to get you under my wing." He says laughing.

Jimin did all of this? He killed June! He....played with my heart, he betrayed me! For what? Power?
I stare at him as tears run down my face. He looks at me with a mocking sad expression and starts walking to me.
"Aww baby! Don't cry, no don't cry!" He says wiping my tears harshly.
"You're so cute you know that! You fell in my trap so easily." He says chuckling.
I keep my head down not being able to look at him anymore.
"You all are stupids, even my brother." He laughs.
"He actually fell for your sister! My god! Good thing I sent him to the mental asylum, now I won't have to give him his share from the property my father left us." He says and laughs evilly.
I can't believe this, please be a bad dream. I don't want this! I want what I had before.
"You will leave Seoul and never come back!" He says as two girls come and stand by him.
I look at him, wow I can't believe I loved him.
"All you have will be mine, you'll leave or else I'll kill your sister." He adds while walking to Rafia.
I pull on the rope around my wrist.
"Jimin don't hurt her!!" I mumble.
He stops in front of her and says leaning down,
"You will leave or else I'll kill Taehyung."
Rafia nods her head crying.
"I won't leave! I won't go!" I mumble.

Jimin stands up and gestures his men to do something. I see them coming to me with baseball bats.
"Jimin!!! Don't let them hit me!" I yell mumbling.
I widen my eyes seeing one of them rise the bat and as I close my eyes I feel the hit on my arm. I groan in pain and look at Jimin, I shake my head no vigorously.
"Jimin tell them to stop please!! I'll leave! We both will go don't let..." before I could finish mumbling one of them hit me in my jaw and the other one hits me in my stomach. I fall on the floor with the chair and start bleeding. I hear Rafia scream and cry. I look at Jimin who's smirking watching everything. I just stare at him getting hit after hit and watch him makeout with girls.
I smile through my pain and close my eyes getting hit after hit.
I deserve it! I deserve it all for blindly trusting someone. For loving someone so much. I deserve it all.

After what feels like hours of getting beaten up, his men drags me out of the mansion. I'm still tied to the chair all bloody. They throw me on one side of the road. Rafia runs out of the mansion after a while. She sees me and runs to me crying,
"Unnie!! Please stay with me." She says opening my hand ties. I stare at the sky blankly without blinking and after a while tears fall from my eyes nonstop as I scream loudly and start crying. She hugs me tight crying with me.

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