DaY fIvE

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You twirled me, and my heart skipped a beat. Cliché, huh? Don't laugh, it's not funny. If I could stop time, all would be stationary, our blinks, breaths, heartbeats. Everything. As I wrapped my arms around your neck, I couldn't help but stick my tongue out and blow a raspberry, feeling sparks in my eyes as I saw your head fly backwards in such a jovial manner.

Two people, strangers at one point in our lives, acquaintances at another, together now, that was us. Two lonely people, deprived of love and affection, done wrong, just dancing ever so gracefully in our hoodies and shorts. We were nothing but children, a boy and a girl. And yes, I know that many say 'people come and go all the time' but never doubt me when I tell you that if I ever leave, it's either because you are gone, or because I am gone.

And leaving and going aren't the same thing.

Heyyo smellies! Hope you're enjoying whatever this book is. Thank you Saoda for all the comments haha you always know how to make me smile. Vote and comment and the whole bazamizamizam! Love you all x


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