DaY sIxTy - NiNe

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Today, we climbed up and down and up and down and up and down. Of course, we shared the load between the two of us but there just seemed to be so much more. The hill itself was considerably large and every blade of grass was as thick as its entire family tied together. Either way, we dropped our skateboards and baskets, filled with all sorts of relishes, besides us and laid our blanket out, sitting down in the middle, my legs tangled up with yours.

Our heads found each other and our eyes, the sunset. It was fascinating, dear. They way the sun just left us and awoke many others, the way it nonchalantly descended into another world, where its glow was longed for by the rest of the world; it truly was a courtesy to watch.

And so, as the darkness gradually engulfed the light, we found ourselves peeping into our future.

Our future, together.

We're almost at 500 reads I'm hella gassed yo 😊


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