DaY nInEtY - oNe

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I'd always imagined what it would feel like to leave you behind one day. I had played out the scenario multiple times in my mind, making a few changes as required. What if you didn't let me go? What if we both walked away at the same time? What if one of us looked back but the other didn't? What if we both did? What if we just couldn't leave each other behind and came running back? What if we were meant to be?

Laughing, I watched as your friends tried very hard, dear, to make a human pyramid. You were stood beside me, shaking your head at they're immature behaviour. But we both knew that they needed you, my dear. They needed you to guide them, instruct them on how to arrange themselves so that their weights were balanced out between them.

So I let you go and smiled as you led them to glory.

You didn't look back, dear.

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