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I am glad we moved on a Friday. I am going to explore this little island today. I want to see what's happening in my new place of residence. Monday, I will be starting the local high school, so I need to have fun now. Lord knows the only thing good about high schools are the girls.

Quickly, I shower and dress. I, practically, run to the kitchen, wearing a white T-shirt, black skinny jeans, white socks, and my new pair of red and black Jordan sliders.

Sitting at the table, I can hardly wait for Maria to bring me my food. Playing mom, she takes my hat off as she places my food in front of me. Like I said, there's not much to complain about with Maria. Like everything else, her food is to die for. Thinking about it, she is the only mom I really know.

I gulp down my food, thank her, and I'm out the door. Today, I want to walk to discover the island. My dad has left a golf cart for us, but it seems like we are in the heart of the island, so I want to walk.

This view is so beautiful. It truly looks like something you would only see on the TV. I must say, I don't know much about this place, but it is proving to be the most beautiful. I don't know why, but I feel like this will be my favorite move of all.

After about four minutes of walking, I see a barber shop. This is definitely a place that I needed to find. I have an undercut. I will, definitely, need to get it refined for school on Monday. I checked it out, got its opening hours and everything. I make a mental note to stop by tomorrow. My style will be fresh for Monday.

This island is just great. It is small and proving to be so convenient. Throughout my walk, I find quite a few places that I will be visiting. I found a nice smoothie stop and a nice restaurant. I found where they play beach volleyball. I even found this shopping strip. It is equipped with clothing, accessories, electronics, cosmetics, auto, food... everything is in the strip. Definitely, I will go there.
Last but not least, I found a basketball court. I love Cape Landing more and more.

Stopping by the court, I am able to make one acquaintance, a guy that goes by Chuck. He seems to be around my age. He is pretty good at the sport, too. He notices how intrigued I am with the game, and he comes over after a friendly game.

He informs me that they sometimes play for a stake...friendly stakes. Sometimes, a group treat as simple as dinner on the losers, or sometimes monetary rewards.
It sounds like fun. He asks me if I play. After he discovers I do, he invites me to a one-on-one the following day. I am so excited. Loser treats the winner to lunch. We exchange numbers, fist bump, and I am heading back home.

Walking through the door, I can't believe I was gone for more than three hours just walking and viewing my new island.

In walks Maria with a load of clean laundry.

"I was about to put out an Amber Alert for you," she says sarcastically.

"Well, I know you would not be able to survive without me, so I begged and pleaded to be released."

She is all smiles. She walks close to me and strokes my cheek.

"There is proof on your cheeks that you are loving this island. I'm glad you are settling in."

I take back what I said. There are only two people who have the power to hurt me. In this moment, I am realizing how much this woman cares for me and I, for her. She has always taken care of me, and I have always given her my love and respect in return. If she isn't what a mother is supposed to be, I don't know what else is.

"You're right, Maria. I do love it here already. I already made a potential friend and have been challenged for tomorrow-"

I am not able to finish.

"Go wash up and come tell me all about it over lunch."

I do as she says and notice my cheeks are, indeed, turning a shade of pink from exposure to the sun's rays, even wearing my hat.

I return to the dinner table, already set with our food. As we eat, I fill Maria in on everything that I discovered, and my challenge.

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