Alyssa POV

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Just as the buzzer goes off, announcing that classes are dismissed for the day, my phone is vibrating. Who can this be? It's also an unknown number. Could it be Joy again? I don't hurry to answer it. I stand at the door and watch my students leave.

As I'm returning to my desk, the phone is vibrating again. I decide to answer it. I will just be frank with her.

"I already told you we have nothing to talk about. I would-"

"Really? Is that how you feel about me now?"

Oh my goodness! I have missed this girl so much. It's my friend, Sasha. She had moved away a few months now because of a job offer. I'm so happy to hear her voice.

"Sasha! Hey! I'm so sorry. I've missed you! Tell me all about it! How's the new move? How's the job there?"

"One at a time, Lyss. One at a time."

I feel arms wrap around me from behind. I already know who they belong to. I try to free myself, but she holds tighter. She starts running her hands slowly up and down on my tummy. Why do I react to the simplest things she does? I can feel I am already excited.

Sasha speaks, "first, tell me that Joy isn't still being a pain in your ass."

I wish I could report otherwise.

"She is relentless. I have blocked her number, and she calls from unknown numbers. Hence, the reason I barked at you."

I can feel Amy's lips at my nape now. She has moved my hair to the side to gain access. I try to shake her off, but she holds me in place. I can feel her pulling my blouse from my pants. I hold my breath.

"Girl, you might have to get a restraining order against her. She is borderline stalker now."

I force a laugh because I can feel Amy's finger on my bare tummy. She has completely pulled my blouse from my pants. I feel her nipping at my nape. I try harder to move away, yet she proves to be stronger.  

"Te- tell me about...about your new move, Sasha."

Amy is running her wet tongue along my earlobe, and I feel butterflies like crazy under her touch on my stomach. She is slowly circling my navel with her nail. She is making it very hard for me to focus.

"Are you ok, Lyss? If you are busy, I can call you back later."

I quickly reply, "no, no. I'm..I'm fine. I can talk."

I can hear I'm a little breathless.

By this time, Amy has turned me around and has me sitting on the edge of my desk. She is standing right between my legs. She starts unbuttoning the buttons on my blouse. I push her hands away, but it only causes me to push more against her body. She has my blouse unbuttoned, hanging open, and I can see the lust in her eyes. I shake my head at her, but she only grins at me.
She runs a single finger right down the middle of my torso, causing my body to instantly cover in goosebumps. She moves in close, kissing my neck, and her hands go to unhook my bra.

This is too much. She needs to stop.

"Sasha...I -I will have to-"

Amy unhooks my bra, and I can feel her sucking on my neck.

"I will call you back. I -I need to take care of something."

I don't even give Sasha a chance to say goodbye. I don't even know how I will explain my urgency to her later.

I try to hold my bra in place with one hand and put one between us, trying to push Amy away. She doesn't give up. I feel her fingers on my stomach again, just barely trailing over my skin.

"Go out with me tonight," she says

I try to move off the desk. It only serves to lock my crotch area into her body.

"I can't."

I'm fighting with my composure. She lowers her hands to my waistband, about to unbutton my pants too. I can't stop her because I'm trying to hold my bra in place. I wiggle my body to make her hands unsteady, but no luck. I feel her trailing her finger along the top of my panties, and she pushes into my core with her torso. She is right up next to my pussy. She pushes some more.

"Go out with me later..."

I can see how she wants me in her eyes, and I can feel her finger trailing, and hooking in my panties, as she grinds against me. Good Lord! What is she trying to do to me?!

"Go out with me..."

I nod my head. I can't even find the words to speak. All I can do at this moment is feel. Feel how wet I am. Feel how much I want her. Feeling how pretty soon I won't be able to stop her. Feeling my body betray me.

Having the answer that she wants, she moves two steps back. Giving me enough space to get off my desk. Just watching as I fix my clothes. Once I am proper again, she speaks.

"Pick me up at 7:00 pm."

Saying that, she waltz through the door, as if nothing happened.

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