Alyssa POV

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I'm halfway through my day, and my mind keeps going back to Joy. What is she up to? What does she hope to achieve from tailing me? It is over for her and I. I think it's about time she accepts that.

On a whim, I start packing my things. I head to the main office and state that I'm not feeling well, and I must take the second half of the day off. They approve.
I want to go to Joy's house. I don't know what I want to find, but I want to just check it out.

I pull up in front of her place, and her car is not there. Good. She must be at work. I drive around the back of her house, and I park. She had a bad habit of storing an extra key under her backdoor mat. I hope she still does that.

I'm glad that some things never change. I unlock her backdoor and slip inside. A creepy feeling comes over me. Maybe I should just leave. She hasn't interfered this much with me.

I turned to leave the same way I came in, when something caught my eyes. A door right across from me is opened. It's not opened all the way, but I can see a picture on the wall. I recognize that person. It's me.

I walk to the room and slowly push the door open. My mouth is hanging open. There, on her walls, are pictures of me. Pictures taken while we were a couple, and pictures taken after. There is a desk in the corner of the room. I walk towards it, and covering that table are pictures of Amy and I. I now know who sent that note.

Joy is paranoid. It seems like she has pictures of all the times Amy and I spent together. Amy and I at the rink. Amy kissing me at her doorway. Pictures of Amy and I in my car. Pictures of us walking on the beach. She has it all. I know in my heart that if I don't do something about Joy she will report me.

My insides turn cold. My hands are shaking. If I don't do something, I will lose it all. I run to her kitchen, and I grab some matches off her counter. I know I shouldn't do this, but I must. It's the one way to destroy every last piece of evidence that she has against me. Her computer, cameras, and pictures are all in her bedroom. The best thing is to set this room on fire.

I exit the backdoor, take the key with me, and run to my car. In the middle of the day, everyone is out working. Hopefully, by the time the fire is reported, her room will have no more evidence.

I leave the area quickly. I head to the spa closest to my house. I need to have an alibi, if ever. My receipt will serve as such.

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