Alyssa POV

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I walk away from both Joy and Amy, hoping I can enjoy my own company, but Amy walks beside me. She is wearing full white. She seems to love long sleeves. She has on white long sleeves, white skinny jeans, and white Vans. She looks good. Did I just think that? I am interrupted from my thoughts.

"Won't you say thanks?"

My head turns so fast in her direction.

"For what?"

"Well, she seemed like she wouldn't take no for an answer. I had to intervene."

"How noble of you. Thank you, Amy," I say most sarcastically.

She giggles. Her giggle is so cute. I look at her, and her brown eyes catch mine. She looks so good with her hair down like this. I have never seen her with it down at school. Why are my thoughts drifting here? I reach my table in the restaurant and turn to her.

"Well, see you at school, Amy."

She arches one brow at me and slides in opposite me.

"I think you owe me lunch," she says.

"Are you always like this? It's annoying!"

She just adjusts herself to get even more comfortable in her seat.

"Always. I know what I want, and I go for it. Is that such a bad thing?"

Shaking my head, I pick up the menu, needing to just get some sort of distraction from this girl. She just sits there staring at me while I look at my menu. Finally, I put down my menu and glare back at her. She smiles instantly, so devilishly.

"How old are you, Alyssa?"

"Don't you think you ought to call me Ms. Wade? And, my age? That's none of your business."

She leans her elbows on the table, bringing her closer.

"I like the way Alyssa sounds on my tongue. What are you, twenty-five?"

I grin. She is close. I'm twenty-seven. She just continues to stare at me intently. Why does she do that?

"If you must know, I'm twenty-seven. Why do you do that?"

"Do what? Stare? Because when I see you, there are all sorts of naughty thoughts floating through my mind. There are so many-"

"Ok, ok. I should have never asked. You don't know filter. At all!"

She grins and her stare switches to my bags. She reaches for one and her hand is already going inside.

"Care to show what you went shopping for?"

I snatch the bag quickly, hoping to stop her from seeing my purchases, but that only made her hand hold on to the one piece she already had her hand on. She is left with my new black padded bra. I don't know what to do. I just hold out my hand to her.

"Give it back."

She has this huge grin on her face.

"I would kill to see you in this."

My cheeks flare up. Why do I react like this to a teen?! I just sit back in my seat, giving up, and then she hands it back to me. Before taking it from her hand, I can see a tattoo peaking out the edge of her sleeve.


She nods.

"What about you, Alyssa? You have any?"

"Just one."

Just then, the lady comes to take our orders. Our food is presented to us not even 10 minutes later. I quickly eat and try to avoid every question that comes from Amy.

After lunch, I offer to give her a ride home. She accepts, and I am only too happy to dump her somewhere else.

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