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Two days have passed, and Alyssa is acting like I never existed. It pains me to go to her classes. Classes that I was once excited for have now become something I dread.

I love seeing her, but each time, I feel crushed by the fact that it seems so easy for her to move on. I know this is payback for the way I have chosen to be. This is how it felt to all those females that I just walked away from, like they were just a bad habit.

Alyssa class starts, and she is carrying on like normal. She goes over her lesson with us, and I just zone out. I look off on a blank wall. She issues our assignment immediately after. She goes to her desk, and she is doing something of her own.

After about five minutes in, I dare to look up. I catch her eyes. She is looking at me as well. There is hurt in her eyes, yet she is acting like it is nothing. Like she feels nothing for me. Was it all one-sided? Could it be that I was the only one falling in too deep?

I hold eye contact with her, and she does the same. I am the first one to look away. I can feel she is still staring, so I hang my head on my desk to prevent even looking at her again.

As I walk home, feeling so lonely, I can't help but think of the note that I had received a few days back. I go straight to my room and find the note. I might as well give the number a call.

I dial the number, and the phone rings twice before a female voice greets.


"Uhm, hello. This is Amy. I received a note to give this number a call."

The line goes silent for a few seconds.

"I would like us to meet. At a public place. There is something you need to know."

Is this a huge joke to the person on the other end? Something tells me that, but something seems so familiar in this voice. I am intrigued by who this is.

The person goes on to speak without me even agreeing to meet.

"Meet me at the Classic Shake 6 p.m. tomorrow evening."

She barely gets that out of her mouth when she ends the call.

Do I really want to meet this person? I feel like it's a waste of my time. I will just sleep on it.

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