Life= Video Game
•Waking up/Getting Dressed= Start of game
•Getting on Bus= Making the journey to the boss' lair
•Getting to School= Begin of journey
•Walking the Halls= Dodging lesser opponents
•First Class= 1st mini boss
•Study Hall= Recharge of life points
•Second Class= 2nd mini boss
•Third Class= 3rd mini boss
•Fourth Class= 4th mini boss
•Dismissal Time= Mad dash to freedom
•Bus Ride Home= Journey back home
•Homework= Super mega final boss
•Bedtime/Sleep= Re-spawning period
A Look Inside My Head
Historia CortaHave you ever wanted to see what goes on inside a teenager's head? No..? Oh.. Well you're in luck because that is what you are getting anyways!! In this lovely one of a kind book you will be taking a peek inside my head and reading about my sad litt...