O N E~texts and information

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So, just to give you an idea of my life, I use to have a bestfriend, Jonah Marais

We use to hangout all the time, we were inseparable, we did everything together, our parents use to make a us take a bath together until we turned 5

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We use to hangout all the time, we were inseparable, we did everything together, our parents use to make a us take a bath together until we turned 5. Like if my parents were babysitting then they would wash us together, if his parents were babysitting, they would wash us together.

We told each other everything, whatever happened to one of us, happened to both of us. We were there for each other all the way until the 8th grade when he got a girlfriend named Tate, she hated me, and guess who's side Jonah was always on? Hers.

I was never mean to her, I'd always say hi and she'd roll her eyes or ignore me, then it got to the point where she started calling me names and Jonah wouldn't laugh or agree, he'd just stay quiet, then that changed when we got to the 10th grade. Then Jonah's career took off. He always told me that if his career ever took off, he'd take me on tour with him.

And you already know I'm about to say that he took her and never looked back. I ended up unadding him on everything. Come to the 11th grade, he and Tate broke up, I was there for him, they got back together, he dropped me again. I stopped coming back after that.

When I was 17, I got into a relationship with his bandmate, Jack

When I was 17, I got into a relationship with his bandmate, Jack

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He's beautfiul right? I know. We've never met, he just randomly texted me one day from Jonah's phone and ended up giving me his number. Here's how it went

Jonah~hey who's this?

Are you serious?~Lex

Jonah~yeah, this is Jonah's
friend Jack, who is this?

Oh, well my name is Lex, doesn't it say that on my contact name?~Lex

Jonah~no...it says bitch

I just have his name as Jonah...~Lex

Jonah~well here's my
number, you seem nice

okay I'll text you~Lex

*texts the number*

hi is this Jack?~Lex

Jack~yep, Lex?

yep, so what do you look like?😂~Lex



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Jack~wow you're really pretty

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Jack~wow you're really pretty

you're not too bad yourself~Lex

And that's how that started. Now I'm 18 and Jack and I have been dating for a year and a half, and it's like he gets more amazing everyday. Keep in mind, we've never met, but we FaceTime every night, text all the time, even while he's on tour.

Anyways, I have a couple friends. Their names are Christina, Kay, Rebecca and Olivia, but I'm not friends with any of the guys. Anyways, that's all, enjoy the story.

Anything For You~Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now