S E V E N T E E N~his hurt

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Corbyn asked what happened, we explained on the way to the bus. We got back to the bus and I walked to the back and climbed onto my bunk. I rolled myself up in the covers and laid there feeling extremely lazy.


I ran inside and watched from the window as Jonah got out of Corbyn's car, I could feel his anger from here. I looked at him as he walked onto the bus and straight to the back, he climbed onto his bunk and under his covers. I looked at Daniel and Corbyn and they both looked at each other and me. "1234" Daniel said quickly. We all touched our fingers to our nose at the same time but I still ended up being the last one.

"How about we all just try talking to him?" I asked. Daniel and Corbyn thought for a second then groaned and nodded. We all stood up and they made me walk in first. I stopped in front of Jonah's bunk and crawled into it. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and I heard him sigh and start laughing. "Zach get the hell off me" he laughed. "Not until you tell us why you lashed out so bad" I pouted. Corbyn and Daniel laughed at the sight infront of them.

"If you get off of me I'll tell you" Jonah laughed. "Ugh fine" I groaned. I jumped down and crawled onto my bunk, Daniel crawled onto his and Corbyn crawled onto his. Jonah faced us and we looked at him, waiting for him to start.

"So, once Zach told us his theory, I felt insanely pissed because my best friend is hurting my other best friend. So at first I only planned on talking to him on the phone but then I figured it was going to turn into an argument and I wanted to sort it out in person so Lexi gave me the address to the hotel and what floor Jack and Rebecca were on, so we all went, obviously" Jonah paused for a second and took a deep breath.

"when we got to the floor and walked up to the door and knocked, Rebecca opened the door, Jack was sitting on the couch and they both looked at me as I walked in, I tried talking to him, but instead it ended up in me going off on him because he was being a dick. Then I tried to explain to Rebecca that if Jack truly loved her then he wouldn't have kept going back to Lexi, and Rebecca just kept saying that they were in love" Jonah stopped to take a deep breath as he got pissed again.

We gave him a second. "So I told her that she's so caught up in trying to label a toxic relationship as loyalty, she doesn't see that she's being a bitch to Lexi by stealing her boyfriend and Jack is a dick for actually getting with her" that's when realization hit. Jonah loves Lexi. Man I miss Kay. "So I went off and called her ignorant and told her that maybe I should just let Jack break her cold ass heart and she's not listening to people that are actually trying to help her, then we left" Jonah sighed calming down.

"He's such an idiot" Jonah chuckled. "He found a girl that truly loves him and all he did was cheat on her" he shook his head and looked up at the light. "I thought he really loved her, but if he truly loved her then he wouldn't have gotten with Rebecca in the first place" I stopped him. "Jonah, Jack may be our best friend too but you're right. If he truly loved Lexi then he wouldn't have let Rebecca come into the picture" I shook my head.

"And to answer your question, I lashed out because, Lexi doesn't deserve this shit, she's my best friend and I love her, I hate seeing her hurt" Jonah shook his head. We heard a door slam and we looked towards it. Jack stood there with a pissed off expression.

Oh shit. I feel like I should be popping popcorn. SPILL THE TEA SIS. "So you guys think I'm a fuck up? A liar? A cheater?" Jack asked. "Nobody said that bro, we're just discussing events that occurred like 20 minutes ago" Corbyn shook his head. "But yes" Daniel added. "I'm sorry if you took what I said the wrong way, I just think you should pick one, and when you do, make sure you stick to your choice because you can't keep playing with their feelings" I sighed, rubbing my head.

Jack looked at all of us. He stopped at Jonah. "Can I talk to you for a second?" He asked. Jonah looked at the rest of us. I shook my head, telling him to try to contain himself. Jonah hopped off of his bunk and followed Jack out of the, well out of the back of the tour bus. They shut the door behind them.


I sat on the couch across from Jack, he just looked at me. I stared back at him waiting for him to say something. "I knew I was right" Jack chuckled. "About?" I questioned. "I knew you loved her, I could see it, I just decided that since I loved her too, I should be the one to have her, and that was an extremely fucked up thing for me to do" Jack shook his head. "Jack what are you saying?" I asked. Jack paused.

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