T W E L V E~the day before

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It's the day before the guys leave. The day after that little sleep over in the truck with Jonah, everyone was hanging out together. Now today is the day before the guys leave. I thought I could handle it but like, that was a lie. I've been dreading this day for the entire week. I walked to the room Jack sleeps in and knocked. "Come in!" I heard Rebecca yell. Wait what?

I opened the door and saw Rebecca laying in his bed. "Hey? What are you doing in here?" I asked. Rebecca sat and thought for a second, like she was trying to find an excuse. "Look Lexi, it isn't my place to tell you, Jack's in the backyard, have him tell you" Rebecca sighed. "You're one of my bestfriends Rebecca, you can tell me anything" I smiled. By the look on her face, I could already tell what she was going to say. "Jack's been with you behind my back hasn't he?" I asked looking down.

"I'm so sorry, it's just hard for me to hide my feelings like you do" Rebecca rambled. I stopped her. "It's fine Rebecca, I know you, I just wish you would've told me sooner" I nodded looking up at her. "Well you were always with Jonah and when Jack and I saw how happy he was making you, we didn't wanna ruin your happiness so we didn't say anything" Rebecca looked down. I walked towards her and lifted her head.

I gave her a hug. "It's fine, thank you for caring though" I smiled. "I'm gonna go find Jack and let him know that I know and that I don't hate him" I pulled away from her. "Okay, let him know I'm in here" Rebecca smiled. I nodded leaving the room. I shut the door. I was holding in the tears. I walked upstairs and saw Jack sitting on the couch with the guys. "Hey Jack can you come here for a second?" My voice cracked. I mentally face palmed myself.

I don't want him to know I'm gonna cry. Jonah turned to me and hurt filled his eyes when he saw the hurt that was in mine. "Sure" Jack shrugged. He set his phone down on the living room table and stood up. He followed me to the backyard and shut the door. I stood close to the edge of the yard that looked out over the city. Jack came towards me and stood next to me. "What's up?" He asked. "I know" I replied.

"Know?" Jack questioned. "About you and Rebecca" my voice cracked again and a tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "Y-you do?" Jack asked. I looked down and nodded. "I went to your room to look for you and Rebecca was in there and she told me the entire story" I looked back out at the sun. Jack turned to me. "I'm sorry, I have no other words then those, I just can't hide my feelings and hurt as well as you" Jack shook his head.

"And you can ask Rebecca, when I saw you with Jonah, I knew I wasn't good enough for you, so I wanted to try and be good enough for Rebecca, so far it's worked, I knew I had to tell you at some point but I didn't know when the time was right" Jack sighed. I stopped him. "It's fine Jack. I forgive you, but we do need to break up" I felt a big knot in my throat as those words left my mouth.

I heard Jack's breath catch in his throat as well. "I understand" Jack nodded. I turned to him and hugged him. "Have fun on tour" I smiled as we pulled away. "Thank you" Jack smiled. I walked back into the house and walked up to my room. I walked inside and shut the door. I walked out onto my balcony and shut the doors behind me. I sat on the ground. I pulled my knees up to my chest and began crying.

I stopped crying after a while. I decided to go to Jonah and my spot. So I did. I got there and sat in the grass. I stared at the sunset and just sat there.


I wanted to check on Lexi so I did, I drove to our spot and parked. I walked into the grass and saw Lexi sitting on her own, I walked towards her and sat next to her. After 30 seconds she laid her head on my shoulder and I pulled her close to me.

We sat there watching the sunset. "So you and Jack are completely over?" I asked. "Yeah. All good things come to an end" Lexi sighed into my chest. "It'll get better" I nodded. "When?" Lexi asked. Those words hit me hard. "You're leaving for tour so I'll only have the girls. But sometimes you just really need your boy best friend" Lexi sighed. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "It'll be fine, I promise" I smiled.

We sat in silence. After 2 hours had passed. We headed back to the house. We walked inside. "Hey, where were you guys?" Daniel asked. "We were at the our spot, just talking" Lexi smiled up at me. "Oh okay, well I'm glad you're both okay" Daniel gave her a hug. I guess he could see the hurt in her eyes too. Daniel looked up at me. I nodded. "I'm gonna go to my room" Lexi smiled at both of us.

"Can I come with you?" I asked. "I thought you were going to hangout with the guys?" She questioned. "Today's my last day with you, I'll be spending the next year and 7 months with these idiots, I think I can survive one night without them" I laughed. "OUCH THAT HURT" Daniel yelled. Lexi and I laughed. "Okay then let's go" Lexi shrugged. We walked up to her room and she shut the door. We spent the entire night just hanging out, smiling, laughing, building forts, I fell asleep with Lexi in my arms.

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